• HOW TO: The ONLY ways to get lean

    HOW TO: The ONLY ways to get lean
    HOW TO: The ONLY ways to get lean
    HOW TO: The ONLY ways to get lean

    When my clients tell me they want to lose fat, most of the time what they actually mean is that they want to look good without a shirt.

    The only 2 ways to do that is to

    1) BUILD MUSCLE 💪🏼


    2) LOSE FAT. 🫀🏃

    FIRSTLY, let's debunk the myth that gaining muscle will make you bulky. In fact, muscle is your secret weapon in the battle against fat. When you engage in resistance training, whether it's weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, or resistance bands, you stimulate your muscles to grow stronger and denser. This not only boosts your metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day but also shapes your body, giving you those well-defined lines and curves.

    HOWEVER, muscle building alone won't reveal your true potential. Shedding excess body fat is equally vital to uncovering those sculpted muscles beneath. Incorporating cardiovascular exercises, such as brisk walking and cycling into your routine will elevate your heart rate, effectively burning calories and torching unwanted fat. Remember, consistency and dedication are the keys to success here.

    But let's not forget the crucial role that nutrition plays in your fitness journey. To fuel your muscles and optimize fat loss, focus on a well-balanced diet. Prioritize lean proteins, such as chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes, to support muscle repair and growth. Incorporate plenty of fibrous vegetables and fruits to nourish your body and keep you satisfied.

    Moreover, be mindful of your calorie intake. To create a calorie deficit for fat loss, you'll need to consume fewer calories than you burn. Aim for a modest deficit, around 250-500 calories per day, to ensure sustainable progress.

    #Fitness #fitnesssg #firstpost