• can’t lose weight? you might be lacking protein

    can’t lose weight? you might be lacking protein
    can’t lose weight? you might be lacking protein
    can’t lose weight? you might be lacking protein

    can’t lose weight? you might be lacking protein
    can’t lose weight? you might be lacking protein

    hi Zesties! ever since i started increasing my protein intake, i’ve found that my fitness journey has improved TREMENDOUSLY due to protein’s many benefits. in case you didn’t know, i lost 10kg in 9 months which you can read all about here! so thought i’d re emphasise that taking protein powder should not only be for males, but females too! here’s some reasons why you NEED to start increasing your protein intake asap ⚡️

    boosts metabolism and helps with weight loss ✨

    constantly exercising and dieting yet you don’t seem to be losing any weight? you might be lacking in protein! protein is CRUCIAL as it revs up your metabolism and can help you shed those extra kilos 🔥 with its high thermic effect, protein boosts calorie burning during digestion, supporting your weight loss efforts. it also preserves lean muscle mass, ensuring a toned physique. more about this on the next point!

    supports muscle growth 💪

    dreaming of a fit and toned pilates princess/ muscle mommy physique? protein is your secret weapon! it is the building block of muscles, supporting their growth and definition. by increasing your protein intake, you provide your muscles with the nourishment they need, resulting in the toned, sculpted body that lives in your head rent-free 🤩

    helps with muscle recovery 🤍

    i’m sure we’re all familiar with the feeling of soreness and fatigue after an intense workout, and while it can be quite shiok, it’s literally a huge pain too 🤡 but this is where protein comes in handy as it accelerates recovery and minimises muscle damage! protein aids in the repair and rebuilding of your muscles, allowing you to bounce back stronger than ever! with increased protein intake, you'll be able to recover quickly and hit your workouts again in no time!! 💪

    bonus: boosts your energy ⚡️

    girl bosses need all the energy they can get, and protein is KEY! protein provides a steady and lasting source of energy, fuelling you on your nonsense, hectic days and just giving that extra boost which you may desperately need. so get energised by increasing your protein intake!!

    🍋 of course, everyone’s protein needs may vary, so it's important to consult with a fitness professional or registered dietitian to determine the optimal protein intake for your specific goals and lifestyle. otherwise, protein can contribute to soooo many benefits which you shouldn’t be neglecting, so here’s your sign to start increasing your protein intake today! ❤️‍🔥