• 62KG VS 72KG | But I look exactly the same ‍️‍️

    62KG VS 72KG | But I look exactly the same ‍️‍️
    62KG VS 72KG | But I look exactly the same ‍️‍️
    62KG VS 72KG | But I look exactly the same ‍️‍️
    62KG VS 72KG | But I look exactly the same ‍️‍️
    62KG VS 72KG | But I look exactly the same ‍️‍️
    62KG VS 72KG | But I look exactly the same ‍️‍️

    Over the years I’ve struggled greatly with body image — I grew up as the bigger kid especially with my older sister being half my size I always get remarks from families & random aunty about why Im way bigger than her… like ok🧍🏽‍♀️🫡

    ▪️My Journey & Experience▪️

    I have never spoke about this before but 2022 was all about reflecting and learning. Anyways back then, I went on fad diets, extreme workouts & anything to get the weight off (fast & unhealthy) which all bounced back 🫣 cause I never healed mentally which kind of resulted in BD & an ED — It’s a struggle when your weight yoyos and i’ve been through this 2 times now.

    First in 2014 my weight peaked at 75KG & it dropped to 62KG (This diet and workout was the worse, I was limiting salt, sugar and even oil 😐 like what even) Despite losing all that weight, I remember it felt like it was not enough (Idk what my goal was) but in my eyes I barely saw any progress until I started gaining some weight back.

    2017 my weight went back to 78KG and I brought it back down to 72KG. This time, I did it slightly less toxic. I went to the gym did some cardio & some light strength training. I started doing keto & Intermittent fasting so I was not really restricting as much food choices as I was in 2016, however it did resulted to me pushing my IF hours to 24 hours & more. Which was crazy cause like I was practically not eating for 1-2 days?? 😠 No one talks about this but when I was in keto my ACNE was CRAZY. Because of all the fatty and oily food I was eating my face was a disaster, breaking out constantly.

    The reason why I say to ignore the scale! is because as someone who has been through this 2 times, in that moment i felt like I was not good enough because the lightest i could have been was 62KG — despite looking the same 10kg heavier (photo proof, which doesnt work especially if you have BD, I couldnt see myself because I was too busy looking at the scale) + I just could not wrap my head around the fact that muscle makes you look lean but you’ll also be heavier 🫠 NOW I FINALLY DO THO YAY.

    ▪️Learning to heal ▪️

    Right now Im back to square one & weighing my heaviest — 2022 has been a year of reflecting and trying to break the cycle of fad diets & extreme workouts. IT WAS TOUGH, But the year is ending & im quite proud to say that mentally I am ready to start 2023 on a lighter note and get to my goal the right way 🧡

    If you’re struggling to lose weight & feel like you’re getting nowhere! Trust me if you put in the work, eventually you will see the progress 😌

    It’s also important to understand that as you mature & grow your body changes too! Don’t be like me I was always so caught up in losing a specific part of my body that I don’t realise the progress I have made overall.

    I was always so insecure about my thighs (as you can see even when I was at my lightest my thighs were always the biggest!) so i was also measuring my success based on how small my thighs could get 😵‍💫 BUT NO, that restricted me from seeing how far I have come & thankfully now i’ve grown to love my thighs! ❤️😌

    All the best for your journey loves! xx