• i got him arrested so you can too ️

    i got him arrested so you can too ️
    i got him arrested so you can too ️
    i got him arrested so you can too ️

    hi besties

    i wanted to share a pretty traumatic but relieving story with you guys. this post is mostly targeted towards women but honestly could apply to anyone who’s experienced the same thing.

    so over a month ago, i got touched inappropriately by a man in the club. i was wearing a matching outfit with my best friend and we were on the way to the toilet in the club. i was in a lot of shock and i went to the bathroom to have a meltdown, this i’m sure a lot of girls can relate to after being violated like that — it was such a horrifying experience.

    thankfully i slept over at my best friend’s house that night and i woke up the next morning and decided to report it to the police. everything went smoothly and they managed to arrest him within 2 weeks, but i wanted to share what i made sure i gathered before i went to the police.

    here are the main things:

    1. do not throw your clothes in the wash, put them in a ziplock as evidence of the crime. there will be DNA on it and if the police need to, they will run a DNA test

    2. it’s best if you report the crime to the bouncers on the same night, but in case you didn’t, push for the police to check the CCTV cameras

    3. request to speak to someone of the same gender/sex as you. it’s a lot more comfortable and they’ll be able to relate to the struggles of your gender/sex. this is important because it’s such a delicate situation.

    4. after the event, try to note down as much as you can about the person’s appearance, what they were wearing, their height or ethnicity. this is so you can provide all these details to the officer when they interview you.

    5. you may need to provide pictures of what you were wearing that night and the time that it happened. by noting down what happened immediately after/texting someone what happened, you have time stamps, making it easier for if the police check the CCTV.

    finally, please remember it’s never your fault that someone has decided to do this to you. it was never what you were wearing. don’t blame yourself! remember to stay safe besties <3 my dms are open if you need anymore advice.

    anyways…go forth and get these perverts arrested xoxo