• My top 3 Favourite Exercises for Lazy Girls

    My top 3 Favourite Exercises for Lazy Girls
    My top 3 Favourite Exercises for Lazy Girls
    My top 3 Favourite Exercises for Lazy Girls
    My top 3 Favourite Exercises for Lazy Girls

    – Spin

    I hate running and what not but the thing about spin is that you literally sit on a bike and your feet gets locked in so its really great if you have little time to spare and want to get the most out of it. Music helps to ease the pain of exercising HAHAH so spin studios (dark and loud) have the ideal environment for you to tune out and just ride :p

    – Pilates

    I recently got into this in 2022 and it’s like a more intense yoga HAHAH I like pilates because it burns and tones at the same time and it doesn’t require crazy bursts of energy like running or spin :> I like this alot because I don’t have to even put on my running shoes! I usually do this at home with youtube videos or going to the Sweatbox studio for a pilates workout – the ache the next day is intense LOL

    – Walk

    Last but not least this is the most sustainable workout because it can just fit into your schedule 😀 I usually walk home from the MRT instead of taking a bus so I can get my steps in – this covers maybe 1.2km? It doesn’t feel much but it makes a huge difference in your health to get your daily steps in 🙂

    Hopefully this has been helpful in helping some of yall get inspired to workout in 2023 :p It wasn’t easy for me and I’ll be sharing more tips on how to make exercise a habit in the coming posts ! Stay tuned~