• 7-day update

    7-day update

    I started at 68.95kg a week ago and currently I’m at 67.95kg. I didn’t do much to alter my lifestyle actually I just stopped snacking as much and started differentiating hunger and boredom. I had a goal to walk 5km everyday but this weeks been busy so I hope to properly start next week. Anyways here’s my week update on my weight and water intake

    Day 2:

    Weight : 68.5

    Water at 12:19: 500ml

    Water at 2:09: 1L YAYYYY

    Day 3:

    Weight: 68.8 (prolly from the McGriddle I ate at 6am)

    Water at 23:59: 500ml

    Day 4:

    Weight: 68.5

    Water at 3:44: 500ml

    Water at 6:01: 1.1L

    Water at 9:41: 1.5L

    Day 5:

    Weight: 68.2

    Water at 11:28: 500ml

    Water at 2359: 2L

    Day 6:

    Weight: 68.5

    Water at 2359: 0ml…..

    Day 7:

    Weight: 67.95

    Water at 2359: 0ml…..

    I obviously struggle a lot with my water intake which is something I’m trying to work on and even though I lost 1kg instead of the 1.4kg I had planned, I’m really proud of myself for making progress in the first place

    #body #bodytransformation #bodypositivity #Weightloss #weightmanagement #itistimetoloseweight #selfcare