• [VIDEO] Why pull-ups are so good for you

    Regardless of whichever workout program you’ve committed yourself to, there’s one singular exercise that you should do at least once a week:


    Why, you wonder. Well…

    1. Strengthens several muscles

    This free weight compound exercise targets your back, traps, shoulders and arms. Talk about a time-saver.

    2. Trains forearms and grip strength

    These parts constitute functional strength that would assist you inside AND outside of the gym.

    3. Can be done anywhere

    Unlike gym-specific exercises, pull-ups can be performed from a wide variety of places:

    Fitness corners


    Home (detachable pull-up bars)

    But of course, proper form should be applied to ensure maximum benefits. Make sure your chin is above the bar, lock out when you go down to ensure maximum stretch, try to keep your core engaged and stuff. As you can see from the video, my form starts to slack off after the 11-12th rep: I start using my legs to give myself some drive. That’s something I would need to work on.

    In conclusion, pull-ups are awesome. So if you aren’t doing them already, it’s time to add these bad boys to your routine!

    #workout #pullups #sg #gymsg