• Getting rid of double chin (almost immediately)

    Getting rid of double chin (almost immediately)
    Getting rid of double chin (almost immediately)
    Getting rid of double chin (almost immediately)

    Why you seem to have that sagging piece of meat under your chin?

    👏🏼Incorrect 👏🏼Tongue 👏🏼Posture

    Now let's learn how to mew properly and what is correct mewing technique.

    The essence of mewing technique is the proper tongue positioning and proper breathing.

    – The correct tongue position is to be pressed against the palate over the entire area, especially in the posterior third.

    Here’s a step by step

    Close your mouth, seal your lips and clench you teeth gently

    Say the word SING or KING

    Hold your tongue in the position where you say the -NG sound


    – Standing in front of a mirror, swallow your saliva. Try to remember how that feels. You do need to apply some suction

    – Open your mouth and try to force

    things to note:

    Make sure the tip of your tongue does not touch your front teeth

    Open your mouth and try breathing through your mouth. You shouldn't be able to do this.

    Tongue pressure is evenly distributed

    Teeth are not clenched with force, only lightly touching

    You are capable of breathing through your nose

    Mewing can change your face shape! Google it if you don’t believe me 😄

    Sorry I grabbed images from the web… im still learning how to mew too…