HELLO! I want to share something that I’m facing and hope it helps you too!

    It’s been some time I’ve been feeling extremely and constantly tired, even after waking up from a 8h sleep I’ll still feel drained as if I haven’t slept at all. It’s the kind of mental fatigue that makes me wanna just stare and daze. I just lack the motivation to do anything because I’m just soooo tired and drained ALL THE TIME. Going to campus and attending seminars seemed like it sucked all the energy I have and often I’ll just end up with poor concentration 😭

    I have terrible brain fog like my brain just feels hazy, as if it’s clouded inside and I can’t think properly 😩 it’s making me feel dumb also cos I had to process things at a slower rate :’)

    Also hair loss and brittle nails…. It’s not helping with my self confidence at all since I don’t feel and look my best 😫 my nails became so thin and weak and my hair just kept dropping….

    I’m so done with feeling so shitty……


    Turns out….. my ferritin is only 9 ug/l?? But nopee I’m not anaemic, my haemoglobin and RBC markers were normal thankfully :’)

    Just fyi, ferritin is a blood protein that stores iron, basically releasing iron when the body needs it. The normal range is 10-291 ug/l and i def fell below it 🫠

    Symptoms of low ferritin includes:

    ❗️fatigue or loss of energy

    ❗️shortness of breath

    ❗️poor concentration

    ❗️brittle nails

    ❗️hair loss

    ❗️cold hands and feet

    ❗️restless leg syndrome (the urge to keep moving your legs)

    Now I know there’s a medical reason why I’m feeling like this I’m gonna actively try helping myself feel better!! I did an iron infusion and OMGGG I felt SO MUCH BETTER now 🥹 like I feel more energised and basically just like I can stay focused at everything now :’) for the longest time I thought I was lazy and not as intelligent as others but getting my ferritin checked has really helped me in gaining the clarity that I need to take better care of my body!

    those of ya’ll who have those symptoms, pls go have it checked out! Especially if you have heavier monthly cycle as well!! Many females are NOT AWARE of this but we tend to suffer from low iron a lot more bcos of monthly blood loss 😩 I know and can relate to how it feels like (it’s really HORRIBLE) so plsss go have it checked so you can feel your BEST 🫶🏻

    (Not me doing my readings while doing my infusion HAHHA it takes 30mins for the infusion and another 30mins of just waiting to see if I have any adverse effects from it)

    #CanShareMeh #health #BadTimes #hairloss #dryskin #fatique #healthylifestyle #brittle nails #LoveMyself #selfcare