• Weight Loss: 3 Things I'd Do Differently

    Weight Loss: 3 Things I'd Do Differently
    Weight Loss: 3 Things I'd Do Differently
    Weight Loss: 3 Things I'd Do Differently
    Weight Loss: 3 Things I'd Do Differently

    I had to figure out this whole weight loss thing by myself and I hope I can be there for you guys that are going through it now!

    So, I'm going to be sharing 3 things that I wish I had done differently when restarting my weight loss journey. 🌟

    1️⃣ Incorporate Strength Training Earlier

    If I could turn back time, I would have jumped into strength training much earlier! I only started lifting those weights last year and my body is so much leaner now as compared to the past 3 years where I’ve focused solely on cardio-based exercises such as HIIT.

    2️⃣ Bye to YouTube Abs Workouts

    I was OBSESSED with those 10-minute Ab Workout videos. But here's the truth: abs aren't built in minutes. Instead, focus on progressive overload and compound movements that engage your core effectively. Remember, visible abs are a result of lowering your body fat percentage through a balanced diet and consistent training, not doing 10 minute abs workout videos.

    3️⃣ Stop (or Minimise) Alcohol Consumption

    I MIGHT HAVE underestimated the impact of alcohol on my weight loss journey. Those multiple drinks with friends were adding up empty calories faster than I realised. Cutting out alcohol, even for just a month when I started my first cut, made a world of difference.

    🤍 I would LOVE to share more regarding my journey such as my first cut, how I improved my relationship with food and how I stayed consistent. Do share your own experiences in the comments below! 🙌💖