• get in shape with body weight

    get in shape with body weight
    get in shape with body weight
    get in shape with body weight

    get in shape with body weight
    get in shape with body weight
    get in shape with body weight
    get in shape with body weight

    sometimes you don’t need to use weights to get into the best shape of your life, unless of course you’re into weightlifting. high intensity interval training (HIIT) is all i have been indulging on for a couple of years now and it has proven to be pretty effective to me! here are a few things to take note when succumbing yourself to these trainings only.

    1. lean > muscly

    if your goal is to go lean fit then this is the area for you! HIIT can strengthen your muscles but just enough to pull your own body weight. don’t be surprised if you find yourself unable to carry heavy things, it’s normal! it also focuses on burning fat which is ideal for those who are aiming for a certain percentage of fat.

    2. balanced proportions

    doing HIIT trains your whole body even if you subject yourself to a particular muscle group. for example, a chest workout routine would also engage most of your arm muscles as well as your shoulders and back! another example is while targeting your leg muscles, some of the exercises engages your glutes as well as your abs.

    3. it is mentally more draining than weight workouts

    you have to be mentally disciplined if you want to start on this path because even though most routines are only 10 mins long, they are an excruciating 10 mins with almost no break intervals. beginners would find themselves unable to complete the routine which is completely normal. overtime, you’ll soon complete a routine with gradual repetitions.

    i hope you find these tips useful! i have listed a few workout videos by my favourite trainer Pamela Reif. her workouts are pretty tough not gonna lie but very very effective. you may find other HIIT videos on youtube. some worthy mentions are Chris Heria, Igor Voitenko, Lilly Sabri and Fraser Wilson.

    #workoutroutine #workout #hiit #Gym #inspiration