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    ✨Empower Your Health: The Definitive Guide to Shielding Yourself from the Lethal HPV Virus (A Must-Read for Women 20-26!)

    🚩Cervical cancer is the 4th most common cancer among women in Singapore and in the world, the 3rd.

    In today's post, I’m addressing an important topic that concerns sexually active women between the ages of 20 and 26. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a viral infection that can have severe consequences if left untreated. 💯We'll explore the different types of HPV, its symptoms, transmission methods, and most importantly, how you can take proactive steps to prevent its potential dangers.

    ✅Understanding HPV:

    With over 100 strains, HPV is a widely spread virus that can infect the genitals of both males and females, including the vulva, vagina, cervix, penis, and scrotum. When transmitted through sexual activity, it is categorized as a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

    ⭐️There are two main types of HPV: low-risk and high-risk.

    🍂Low-risk strains such as type 6 and 11 (can cause genital warts)

    🚩High-Risk HPV strains such as type 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58 (can cause cervical cancer)

    Low-Risk HPV: Although rarely cancerous, this type can result in unsightly 🚩WART-like growths around the genitals and anus. These contagious warts may surface weeks, months, or even years after contracting the virus.

    High-Risk HPV:

    This strain poses a greater danger, potentially leading to abnormal pap smears, precancerous changes in the cervix, and even cervical, vaginal, or vulvar 🚩CANCERS. Unlike low-risk HPV, high-risk strains do not cause visible warts and often remain 🚩SYMPTOMLESS, emphasizing the importance of early detection.

    Recognizing Symptoms:

    Symptoms of HPV can vary depending on the type. Low-risk HPV commonly manifests as genital warts, which can be easily identified. On the other hand, high-risk strains often do not present any noticeable symptoms, meaning you could unknowingly 🚩carry and TRANSMIT the virus. Regular pap smears and HPV testing are vital for early detection and prevention of the more dangerous strains.

    Prevention is Key:

    Now that we understand the risks associated with HPV, how can we protect ourselves? The most effective preventive measure is getting ✨vaccinated against HPV. For women under 26, receiving the HPV vaccine can provide significant protection against both low-risk and high-risk strains. ✅Do consult with your healthcare provider to ensure you receive the vaccine at the recommended age.

    While there are 🚩NO specific treatments for HPV, genital warts caused by low-risk strains can be removed. Early detection of pre-cancer cells allows for effective treatment. After clearing the virus, routine scanning is important, as HPV may still be present at undetectable levels. A history of normal pap smears and negative HPV tests does not guarantee future negative results. Regular screenings remain vital for ongoing protection.

    💰Note: Medisave can be used for certain HPV vaccines, up to $500. However, the newest vaccine, Gardasil 9, is not covered. which is the most expensive one that affords the most protection.

    ❤️Do not take this lightly. Ladies! Get Your Pap Smears Done!❤️#ForYou