• First day at the gym? I got you! (LEG DAY)

    First day at the gym? I got you! (LEG DAY)
    First day at the gym? I got you! (LEG DAY)
    First day at the gym? I got you! (LEG DAY)
    First day at the gym? I got you! (LEG DAY)
    First day at the gym? I got you! (LEG DAY)
    First day at the gym? I got you! (LEG DAY)

    Just starting out your fitness journey and feeling insecure at the gym? Don’t worry, I’m back with another shy girl workout – leg day edition💪🏽

    Shy girl workout = using only one area of the gym

    Level: beginner ⭐️

    What you need: dumbbells (db)

    ⏰: 40-60 mins

    1️⃣ goblet squat

    • hold the db at the top part (see picture)

    • squeeze your armpits so you don’t bend forward too much

    • push your bum just slightly and squat – as if you’re about to sit down

    • stand back up, squeezing your glutes isn’t necessary

    💡 squats are a killer quads exercise!!

    2️⃣ Romanian deadlift

    • push your bum back while maintaining a straight back

    • have the weights close to you

    • tip for beginners: stand two feet away from a wall and push your bum back. This will help with form.

    I have a separate post solely about this exercise, with videos to guide. Do check it out here!

    💡the best compound exercise for glutes, hamstrings, quads and even back

    3️⃣ Glute Bridges

    • yay we get to lie down

    • have the weights on your hip

    • push your hip up and squeeze your glutes at the top

    • superset with weightless glute bridges. What does this mean? E.g: do 8 weighted glute bridges and almost immediately do 5 weightless glute bridges. This is 1 set. You’ll need to do 3 sets of this!!

    💡 best movement for a rounder, firm booty. Trust me 😉

    4️⃣ Good Mornings

    • hold the db at the top of your back

    • push your bum back while maintaining a straight back

    💡 good for practicing hip hinges (one movement that’s used in a lot of exercises!)

    5️⃣ Reverse lunges

    • have the weights at the side of your body

    • your body leans forward just slightly

    • bend your back foot

    • when going back up, push thru your front foot!!

    • do both legs 😭

    End your workout with cardio! I usually do 3 sets of kettlebell swings or you can opt for the stairmaster or just some light walking on the treadmill!

    Do rest between your sets for 1-2 minutes.

    With the cardio, this leg day should be about 40-60 minutes.

    💡 do take videos of your form so you can see how to improve yourself