• First job as a fresh grad gone wrong

    First job as a fresh grad gone wrong
    First job as a fresh grad gone wrong
    First job as a fresh grad gone wrong
    First job as a fresh grad gone wrong

    So, let's be real—first jobs? They're like stepping into the unknown wearing a blindfold. And the whole job hunting gig? Don't even get me started. 🫠 Soon to be graduating, I jumped headfirst into the professional world. Scored myself a gig at this fancy company, thinking I had the golden ticket to success. But oh boy, let me tell you, what I thought was an exciting new chapter turned out to be a crash course in toughening up, finding myself, and leveling up.

    When I landed the role at K***, it seemed like a dream come true. They were a well known company in the media and influencer industry. However, reality hit me hard when I found myself struggling to meet the high expectations set by my superiors. The initial excitement quickly transformed into an overwhelming sense of inadequacy. Tasks were daunting, and the constant fear of failure gnawed at my confidence. 😭

    On top of that, I felt that I was not there as a marketing executive but, just there to fill the gaps for the lack of manpower 🚩 my day to day was mostly just clearing and replying emails, doing up a deck for an awards submission and to prepare for a marketing event (i.con)

    As I was still schooling at that time and in my final year with my final year project on my hands, the stress and anxiety got the best of me. 😥 Managing my mental health during this time became an imperative task. Opening up to friends and family about my struggles allowed me to release the pent-up emotions that had been eating away at me. Their support and reassurance reminded me that setbacks are a natural part of any journey and don't define my entire worth. 🤧❤️

    Bouncing back from this failure was not an instantaneous process. It required a combination of introspection, learning, and determination. I took the time to reflect on what went wrong and how I could improve. This period of self-reflection was an eye-opener, helping me identify areas where I lacked skills and knowledge. рџ§

    Looking back, I realize that failing at my first job was a pivotal moment in my life. It taught me that success is not a linear path but a series of ups and downs, and what truly matters is how we respond to those downs. It revealed the strength of my support system and the power of vulnerability. Most importantly, it reaffirmed that failure is not the end of the road, but rather a detour guiding us toward growth and self-discovery! 🛣️

    #mentalhealth #OnlyInSG #BadTimes