• Getting retrenched for the first time

    Getting retrenched for the first time
    Getting retrenched for the first time
    Getting retrenched for the first time

    Getting retrenched for the first time
    Getting retrenched for the first time

    It’s been a week and I’ve finally had time to process everything that’s happened. Long story short, I was part of my company’s round of layoffs. I thought I was safe because I was from a small local SME, but I guess as long as you’re in the tech/fintech space, you’re never really safe.


    The day before my retrenchment, my COO messaged me to have a catch up with him. That was already ringing alarm bells as I barely have any projects with him. I kinda guessed what was gonna happen the next day from that point. Sure enough, during the meeting, I was called into the meeting room and was told that I was going to be terminated immediately. They graciously allowed me to take the rest of the day off as I’d have to spend the next day coming up with my handover notes before returning my laptop.


    Of course, since I had an inkling that this was going to happen already, I wasn’t completely caught off guard. I sat there, feeling quite numb, but accepting of the situation. However, the anxiety of financial stability kicked in pretty quickly — my travel plans, upcoming BTO, rent I’d need to pay soon. That was taking up most of my head space.


    This experience was definitely a first for me. I was unaware of how the procedures would go, what I should look out for, but if I were to experience this again for the first time, here’s what I would look out for:

    1️⃣ Encashment of leave

    Please go back and read your contract, check if you’re able to encash the remainder of your leaves if you have any left. Most companies will prorate it according to how many days there is left in the year. In my case, I couldn’t encash my leaves, but in my previous job I could. So please check!!

    2️⃣ Referral letters

    In the case of a layoff/retrenchment, I would suggest to request for a referral letter. Just in case future employers would request for it, at least you can show that your performance was not the reason that you were let go.

    3️⃣ Payout

    Check if you’d get any sort of “severance” in lieu of your notice period that you would have had to serve if you had left on your own accord. AND check when they would pay you that money.


    In the few days after sharing with some of my friends and people in my professional network that I was laid off, the support was so wonderful. Everyone was willing to share contacts or send my resume across to their HRs, which I am eternally grateful for. If there’s a silver lining out of this, it is 1000% this. Knowing that my network is willing to vouch for me and advocate for me is more than anything I could ask for.


    For now, I’m just going to take a little break from corporate life. I’ll still be applying for roles during this time, but I’ve decided I’m not in a rush to get into my next role. I’ll let it come when it does. In the meantime, I’ll be that random unemployed friend on a Tuesday. ✌🏻

    🤍 To anyone that’s going though the same thing, or are in the middle of a transition: I wish you the best of luck during this period, but would also like to remind you to not be so harsh, and be kind to yourself as well. The job market now isn’t too great, so don’t be too disheartened if you aren’t able to find your next role immediately. You got this!!! 🫶🏻