• my secrets to go from 0 to 10 brand deals a MONTH!

    my secrets to go from 0 to 10 brand deals a MONTH!
    my secrets to go from 0 to 10 brand deals a MONTH!
    my secrets to go from 0 to 10 brand deals a MONTH!

    my secrets to go from 0 to 10 brand deals a MONTH!
    my secrets to go from 0 to 10 brand deals a MONTH!

    one of the most coveted perks of being a content creator is collaborating with your favourite brands! before i started on lemon8 i had one or two opportunities to work with smaller brands, and these would come like once every few months. since i started really focusing on growing on this platform, i began to see brands take note of my content and my efforts.

    this is definitely as super exciting time for me — getting to work with well known names that i’m a huge fan of, and also smaller brands who trust me with showcasing their passion projects.

    i’m for sure no where near even the mid tier level of an “influencer”, but i hope that this can give some hope to new and budding creators that started from ZERO that collaborating with brands is definitely within reach!

    here are 3 things i’ve done over my past year as a creator to start securing brand collaborations!

    1️⃣ creating a distinct brand/ style for yourself

    majority of brands that approach me cite my creative and artistic posts as a major draw factor! especially smaller business who are looking for suitable creators to propose collaborations with. even established brands have told me that they love my aesthetic and style!

    i’m super proud of my personal aesthetic on lemon8 that i’ve meticulously maintained since the start — if you see this style on the cover, you immediately know it’s me!! this creates a brand identity that is recognisable to your audience and to brands.

    2️⃣ don’t be afraid to reach out, and don’t be afraid of rejection

    i have successfully secured many brand deals simply by being the first person to reach out. in some cases it’s not that brands don’t want you, they just haven’t found you yet! if i see a brand that i like who is open to working with creators with similar engagement/followers as me i may consider sliding into their DMs to propose a collaboration . you may not get a deal there and then, but now the brand may be made aware that you exist for future opportunities!

    when you reach out to brands, always share how you can value add to them as a creator — sharing some statistics can be a good way to do this (engagement rates, follower count etc), and offering what you are willing to provide: eg. 1 lemon8 post/ 1 IGreel etc

    at the same time don’t be discouraged if brands don’t reply/ignore you. you will no doubt get more “seen”s than positive responses. i used to take this as a blow to my self esteem, but realising that maybe it’s just not a door that is open for me just yet just gives me more motivation to continue growing!

    (also please don’t spam brands just to get them to notice you!!)

    3️⃣ start establishing yourself of different social media platforms

    lastly, while lemon8 may be your main platform, it does not hurt to be active on other social media platforms while lemon8 is still growing to become more established as a platform! i would say a good 90% of messages from brands reaching out comes on instagram (even to engage you for a lemon8 post!)

    many brands are still unfamiliar with lemon8 as a platform, so having an ig profile that gives off a good impression of you as a creator is worth building as well, so that brands may be more willing to engage with you as a creator, and be open to the idea of having you generate content on lemon8 too!


    i’ve JUST passed my 1 year mark as a creator on lemon 8 this week! and despite being a fresh face to content creation when i just joined, the platform has helped build my confidence and given me so many opportunities to grow and engage with brands i love!

    i started lemon8 with a decent following on instagram (but i barely posted) and no other experience with content creation (i open tiktok like once a month tbvh). even then just by following these simple steps i’ve been able to see an immense growth as a creator that brands are starting to recognise in a few months.

    no doubt i still have a long way to go, but i’m certain with consistent effort and passion for content creation, i can get where i want to be

    if you have any thoughts, or advice that you’d like to give me as someone who is still learning and growing, let me know in the comments below 🌷😘