• Being 30+ and posting on Lemon8..#WhyILemon8

    Being 30+ and posting on Lemon8..#WhyILemon8
    Being 30+ and posting on Lemon8..#WhyILemon8
    Being 30+ and posting on Lemon8..#WhyILemon8
    Being 30+ and posting on Lemon8..#WhyILemon8

    Being in my 30s and posting on Lemon8🍋 is a disorienting experience. Unlike other platforms that I’m used to like Instagram/Facebook, Lemon8 is targeted towards the younger crowd (or some would say, Gen-Z). I honestly feel old at times when I scroll through the app – and they said 30 is the new 20! 🥹

    ❓I’ve had friends asking me on why I create content, especially because I have a busy full-time job + multiple side-gigs. To be honest, creating content on Lemon8 hasn’t been easy. The text-based format means each post takes time to craft, and a lot of research goes into everything you read.

    Despite all that, I’ve enjoyed being a home content creator on Lemon8. Here are a few reasons why I post 👌🏻

    ⭐️ Ability to grow with a new platform 📈

    ⭐️ Opportunity to partner with brands 🤝

    In the past year, I’ve noticed that a lot of brands have joined Lemon8 and even partnered with many creators on the platform. We personally have been approached a few times to try out different products from major brands in exchange for a Lemon8 post.

    This gives us opportunities to try out things we otherwise wouldn’t, and saved us a lot of $$ on things that we would have paid for on our own. Because Lemon8 is still new, many brands are also open to working with smaller creators.

    ⭐️ Lemon8’s content-led algorithm 🤖

    ⭐️ Maintaining a ‘young’ mindset 🧒🏻💬

    As someone in my 30s, there are times when I feel jaded with life. Being on Lemon8 and interacting with younger people remind me of the drive I used to have. I especially love the productivity hacks shared on Lemon8; seeing people younger than me try their best makes me want to do well too.

    ⭐️ A platform to be personal and authentic ❤️

    As of now, Lemon8 feels like a safe space where we can be honest in our sharing. Especially because it’s not as big as other platforms, we are not as scared of any backlash if we ever accidentally say the ‘wrong’ things (cancel culture is scary lol). We also love how raw and personal others’ sharing is – the entire app just feels like a supportive family who is growing together.

    💡 Here are my personal tips to grow on Lemon8:

    ➕ Post within a specific niche to build your following of like-minded people. I love reading through posts from other home accounts because I can draw parallels with our own home.

    ➕ Be authentic in your sharing and include personal experiences where you can. I personally love reading content where people are raw in their sharing and allow me a glimpse of their lives.

    ➕ Delve into details! I’ve come across many posts with clickbait headlines but no substance that leaves a bad taste. No one likes clicking into posts only to read something generic that barely skims the surface. On the same note, don’t write things like ‘DM me for details’ because.. why (unless you’re selling insurance)? The whole point of posting on Lemon8 is to share about your personal experience and to have a community you can discuss it with.

    ➕ Be consistent in your post quality. People are more likely to follow you if they know they can expect good things from you! In my case, there are a few accounts that I always look forward to reading because I know they always provide an alternative point of view that is refreshing.