• Confessions of a ‘Job Hopper’

    Confessions of a ‘Job Hopper’
    Confessions of a ‘Job Hopper’
    Confessions of a ‘Job Hopper’

    Confessions of a ‘Job Hopper’
    Confessions of a ‘Job Hopper’
    Confessions of a ‘Job Hopper’
    Confessions of a ‘Job Hopper’
    Confessions of a ‘Job Hopper’
    Confessions of a ‘Job Hopper’

    Had a few conversations about job change or changing of careers with some friends and this made me look back at my job history.

    Since my ORD from NS, I have done 7 job changes over a period of 9 years. Which to many is considered crazy.

    But to me, I don’t think it’s crazy because of the nuances.

    1) Toxic environment

    “Some environment, let you grow while some hinder your growth.”

    In one of my jobs, my ‘boss’ told me that getting a degree goes no where and he suggested I skip my exam to attend a company event where overseas partners are coming to visit the office.

    I suggested that I can drop by after my exams, but he said it was either I skip the exam or leave my job. I picked the latter and have no regrets.

    2) Loss of interest

    My first job was at A*Star which was research heavy. This was a role that complimented my degree course. But after a year there, I realised that this wasn’t something that I’m interested in.

    During my time there, I was reading a lot because there were free time every now and then. But the job didn’t bring me fulfilment or gave me a sense of accomplishment.

    3) Job prospect

    “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

    I left a job I really loved, which was the video production house. This was a job that enjoyed because it gave me fulfilment and I enjoy what I was doing.

    However, I was given an opportunity to work in a crypto exchange which is something on my career list. But the reaction I got was “Are you crazy? Crypto is so volatile.”

    I took a leap of faith and jumped into a new industry that opened more doors 🚪 for me.

    Now, I moved from a Lab Assistant to a Program Lead, helping startups grow their business!