• SIA Cabin Crew FULL Interview process 2023

    SIA Cabin Crew FULL Interview process 2023

    1️⃣Online Video interview

    – After the online application, you’ll receive an email invitation for an online video interview. There you can practice some questions (up to 3 questions up to 3 times of the same 3 questions) and I think it’s really important to practice!

    Right after the practice questions is the actual video interview, so do come prepared with your make up and dress appropriately (no shorts or anything). The interview requires you to answer more questions (may or may not be the same as the practice questions), including scenario based question (what would you do if….), reading a passage, and show your full body.

    💭If you have tried a walk-in interview in the past where they asked a group of 10 some funny questions, you’ll be assured there’s no funny question in for the video interview!

    2️⃣Face to face Interview – Height checking, application form submission.

    – After you pass your video interview, you’ll have to go SIA training center for the remaining f2f interview! It was on a weekend for mine and I drove and parked there (free parking). Here you’ll need to take off your shoes, stand behind the green line on the floor and reach for the line on the wall. Do some stretching daily if you’re at the borderline height! For the application form, there’s this box asking what’s the highest education qualification. 👻 Do specify cos they’ll ask you to. And bring a pen.

    – You’ll enter a room full of people and wait till they call your name. 👻 Do talk to others to entertain yourself and get off some nerves. Bring your waterbottle along cos you’ll definitely talk till you’re thirsty but if you didnt, there’s also a water cooler with some disposable cups outside at the stand and reach station.

    3️⃣ Debate Round

    – In the group of 6, you’ll sit in a row based on the sequence they called you. From the right to left, you’ll have to do a short self-introduction + something interesting about yourself.

    – After the self intro, they will split you into 2 groups- agree or disagree. It seemed like they’ll split the gender evenly. My question was “man should pay for the first date“ and I’m on the disagree pov.

    💭 could sense the interviewers observing us haha. I think they’re trying to see if we can work tgt to deconflict the points or come up with unique points. 4 out of 6 passed this round! The interesting thing i found is that actually they didn’t care so much about posture, or being “submissive”, or positive etc.. On top of wearing very causally (no makeup, jeans and sneakers), one of the girl who was assigned the agreed pov actually disagreed and she still passed. Another guy actually talk shit about his previous company and he also went through this round.💭

    4️⃣ Management interview

    – Now this round is basically a solo interview with 1 or 2 interviewers! Think the questions are quite typical interviewish but they also asked me scenario question like role playing what would I say if someone kept touching my butt. Oh some questions they asked were “what’s your biggest achievement”, “how long would you stay at SQ” and “other than health problem, what would cause you to leave SQ”

    👻 go toilet if you think you’re next in line for the grouchy old lady 💭

    5️⃣ kebaya round

    – Straight after the management interview, they’ll let you know if you can proceed to kebaya fitting. There’ll be someone to pick out the size for you! Then walk gracefully to the grooming room and wait till your turn. There they check for the height and weight again. Then they’ll ask you to reach your hand up and see if there’s any scars or tattoo exposed (they’ll ask about tattoos too). Then they’ll ask you to walk towards the end of the room and walk back with a big smile.

    👻Dont wear stick on bra / padded top! You’re supposed to change in the room and may need to share room with other girls, so wear something that can easily change in and out

    💭 I have a huge keloid scar on my knee but they didn’t check that. Instead, they noted my cat scratch on my arm and had to ask the head groom to see if they can pass me. Apparently for people with acne scars they have to undergo laser to clear the skin. This is also when they’ll tell you if you need to lose weight, put on weight, or improve your posture.

    ‼️note that you cannot cross your legs when you are wearing the kebaya. LMAO I didn’t know and I got scolded for it

    6️⃣ Cert check

    – After everything, they’ll ask you to enter the room where a person will check your documents. They specifically asked for original copy + hard copy, and you’ll have to answer them with a good reason if you fail to provide….. Also, the result slips are not certificate of completion, so you can’t just bring the result slips.

    ❣️ Bonus tips❣️

    💭just keep talking to everyone and be nice to them! Over the few hours of talking, you may really meet good friends. It also helps so much with the interviews because you get to practice being polite and answering questions over and over again haha.

    💭Also, try to come as early as possible because I realised the earlier time slots were done before lunch, while my group had an 1 hour lunch break and we were only done at around 4 plus.