• What’s life as a cabin crew in SIA like?

    What’s life as a cabin crew in SIA like?
    What’s life as a cabin crew in SIA like?
    What’s life as a cabin crew in SIA like?
    What’s life as a cabin crew in SIA like?

    Let me break down the pros and cons for you guys;


    ⁃ Able to travel the world!

    ⁃ Nice hotels, and you’re paid even while being overseas.

    ⁃ Work with different people all the time (may be a con if you are an introvert, have to socialise every single day, but I kinda enjoyed it~)


    ⁃ Extremely unhealthy for your body due to the irregular working and eating hours. You may be eating your dinner at 3am in the morning on the plane.

    ⁃ Hierarchy culture. Honestly most crew are nice, but you will definitely work with some that aren’t as forgiving despite being new. 🥹

    ⁃ Fatigue. You will always be tired as if sleep is never enough, even after sleeping for an entire day after your flight.

    Personally, I left due to health issues as my body was deteriorating after flying for some time. It is a pretty well paying job and allows you to travel. However, it is definitely not a glamour job (You have to clean the toilets too).

    Overall, I learnt so much from being a cabin crew in Singapore Airlines. The way I carry myself, speak, and even how to deal with various types of people. From training to flying, it was not an easy journey, but a memorable one thanks to the beautiful people I met along the way. I am thankful for being able to experience this but now, I’m ever so happy to be stepping into my next adventure. ☺️❤️

    #cabincrew #worklife #singaporeairlines