• Goodbye social life...?

    Goodbye social life...?

    Hellos ! Let me share with you guys some of my tips📝 on maintaining a (somewhat healthy🥴) work-life balance⚖️ from my past 6 months working in the healthcare sector !

    If you work office hours, that's great ! Plenty of time to catch up with your friends👯‍♀️ and loved ones as the fixed working hours🕖 allow you to easily make dinner/weekend plans🤩


    *Sadly🥲, I belong to the shift-workers so I'll be covering more on that instead !



    As shift-workers, our working hours are not fixed and we are usually working on peak periods like holidays and weekends😭. It is important to lay out your plans weeks (maybe even months😮‍💨) in advance so that you can adjust your roster📆around it, as well as brace yourself for any possible changes !


    This sounds uncanny but it is actually the most important factor in maintaining your social life‼️ Friends/partners that understand your busy schedule and your wacky sleep hours😴 will definitely help take some of the stress off the planning for you ! I cannot stress how important this is as you dont wna be stressing about your social life on top of your work responsibilities too 😖


    Keep an open mind to anything ! 1hour dinner date before your shift? Hitting the club🥂 after PM shift? Impromptu post-night breakfast dates🥞? Your social life may be limited but do not restrict it to less than what it already is😫 While it may be hard to plan your roster around your life, dont forget that you can plan the other way round too !


    Make sure you have your own me-time to unwind😮‍💨 and relax too ! Ensuring you get sufficient sleep😴 and rest allows you to better manage your work-life balance ! Remember that you don't have to sell your soul to work💀 and you definitely don't have to sell it to your social life as well !


    Always remember that your work ≠ your life, so learn to set your boundaries on your work responsibilities 😤 One thing I learnt the hard way was to stop picking up every single OT asked of me. While the extra pay may be enticing🤑, always ask yourself if you have the mental🧠 capacity to take on more hours, or if you need the rest more 😖 Remember that money cannot buy back the time you miss out on with your loved ones‼️ With that said, if your social battery is running low🪫it's time to set your boundaries for me-time too !


    With that said, it is always to each their own ! Hopefully these tips can help my fellow shift-workers out there with their work-life balance as I know it does get tough at times, especially when we feel like we are drowning at work😫 during these busy times >.<

    If you have any other suggestions feel free to let me know ! Hope this helps 🫶🏻