• A Day in the Life of a Cabin Crew in overseas

    A Day in the Life of a Cabin Crew in overseas
    A Day in the Life of a Cabin Crew in overseas
    A Day in the Life of a Cabin Crew in overseas
    A Day in the Life of a Cabin Crew in overseas
    A Day in the Life of a Cabin Crew in overseas
    A Day in the Life of a Cabin Crew in overseas
    A Day in the Life of a Cabin Crew in overseas
    A Day in the Life of a Cabin Crew in overseas
    A Day in the Life of a Cabin Crew in overseas
    A Day in the Life of a Cabin Crew in overseas

    There actually isn’t any regular day in the life of cabin crew. It is either you’re on board flying, enjoying your off day or overseas during a layover. Let’s do a layover instead! And today we’re heading to London on SQ321!

    Day 0️⃣

    Let me summarise this part because it’s boring and I wrote about it before. So just read here for the flight! We basically report for briefing at Terminal 3, 2 hours before the departure time. After 13 hours of flying, we finally reach London! If we reach at around 6PM then we only check in the hotel at 7PM. I always follow the local time so I head to sleep after checking in.

    Day 1️⃣

    I just want to mention most of the time, the crew will either go out to explore the city on their own, stay in the hotel and some times we will plan an outing together. I was super lucky because my IFM planned an outing! This flight was my last London flight so I decided to join them to visit the Hitchin Lavender Field! No regrets because the place is beyond gorgeous and the Lavender fragrance was insanely therapeutic. On top of that, the Sunflowers are in full bloom! If you don’t know they only bloom once a year and they stay in full bloom for 2-3 weeks. So you really have to catch them at the right time!

    Right after the visit to the Lavender Fields, I rushed to the Warner Bros. Harry Potter Studio Tour! I have to book this tour 2 months in advance because it is always sold out and nobody would go with me. It is pretty normal for crew to do things alone because you can’t really expect the crew onboard to have the same interest. Honestly, some times it is better to go alone because they might waste time shopping or looking at nonsense things.

    Day 2️⃣

    I wanted to spend the day alone because I had some errands to run. I went to The Muffin Man which is a crew branch (restaurant that cabin crew frequent is called a crew branch). After which, I went to buy some things (Fenty Beauty, Supreme and Contact Lenses). I forgot to bring contact lens! Damn troublesome to buy anything health related in London because they have NHS and all. As a foreigner with no records there, most stores refused to sell me contact lenses!

    At 2PM, I went to watch the Book of Mormon as recommended by my crew friend, Ashley! It was very funny and entertaining! Great way to end the layover! I rushed off to buy subway for dinner before I start preparing for the flight in 1 hour. I was flying off at 8PM!

    Day 3️⃣

    Just like on the way up, after 13 hours in the air, we are HOME! Of course, it is super tiring. I usually will sleep 3-4 hours before going for the flight.

    I just want to mention that it is not normal for crew to do what I did. Usually they just sleep, go buy things and that’s it. Ya kinda boring.