• My side hustle as a certified Pilates Instructor

    My side hustle as a certified Pilates Instructor
    My side hustle as a certified Pilates Instructor
    My side hustle as a certified Pilates Instructor
    My side hustle as a certified Pilates Instructor

    ✨Corporate girlie by day, certified Pilates Instructor by night!✨

    This is not really in line with my usual home content, but I’ve been seeing a large interest in Pilates growing in SG and Lemon8 (plus many many studios popping up) and thought this might be something people are interested in!

    🙆🏻‍♀️ A little bit about me!

    I’m in my late twenties, been in the corporate world for 6 years so far! In 2021, I decided to take a break from my job in tech to pursue a Pilates Certification with STOTT. (There are many certification bodies but I decided on STOTT for specific reasons! Each institution has their niche and STOTT appealed to me with theirs – more on that next time if anyone’s interested!

    ⁉️Why did i do this?

    I personally underwent a large spinal surgery and have spinal fusion in my whole lumbar spine and some sections of my lower thoracic. This made a lot of exercises I did a bit more challenging and injury prone than usual.

    As a pilates practitioner, i started with group classes, and then went for PURELY only private classes, recognizing that the two are WORLDS apart! (Group classes are not really pilates most of the time – a little more on why I say so next time!)

    I also realised (after paying much $$$ on classes and instructors) that finding a right, CERTIFIED instructor mattered.

    No shade to any studio or instructor, but please always check if your instructor or studio hires/checks certification! It’s NOT just a piece of paper!

    That being said, I saw what good instructors did for me and my body-type/condition, and I wanted to teach that life-changing benefit to others as well.

    💰 How much did I spend?

    Private classes pre-course aside, all the training courses, study materials, exam fees, and misc cost around SGD10,000.

    ⏳How long did it take to get certified?

    Around 4-6 months in total!

    To get certified, you need to complete practice hours, observation hours and training hours. You also need to take the time to study for the written exams, memorize muscle names, images, insertions and origins! These take time!

    Not to mention practicing for your actual practical exam to mock-teach a client with a customised programme on the spot based on their postural analysis!

    Let me know if anyone is interested in this topic! I would love to share more about what to look out for when picking an instructor, what to know when thinking of embarking on this journey, or little tips and tricks to make this fun and easier!