• A very expensive lesson

    A very expensive lesson
    A very expensive lesson

    The day is etched in my memory forever – the kind of day that defines and changes you. As I was sifting through my usual pile of emails, one subject line caught my attention: “______ Position”. At a tender age of 25, here I was, staring at a chance to earn a whopping 40% more than my current paycheck. My mind instantly swirled with fantasies of upgrading to a swanky apartment, dining at those upmarket places, and finally embarking on those luxurious vacations that I'd envied on influencers' Instagram. It felt like life was handing me the golden ticket that most of my peers could only dream of.

    I paused. Reality check. I mean, come on, who gets headhunted out of the blue? Skeptical and even amused, I thought, “This has got to be a joke. Maybe one of those scam emails.” Still, my adventurous side dared me to go along. So, a little mockingly, I sent over my resume. My inner voice quipped, “What's next? An email about a Bruneian Prince?”

    Nevertheless, life had it's surprises. The email exchanges turned serious – transforming into real-life interviews. And just when I thought things couldn’t get crazier, there I was, face-to-face with the HOD. My heart raced with every handshake and corporate greeting. And then the magic words echoed: “Welcome aboard!”

    I wish I could say it was all roses from there. Barely a week in, and what seemed like a fairytale turned into a waking nightmare. Picture trying to fit in a place where every instinct tells you it’s wrong. By the end of that week, I knew. I had made a monumental blunder. Taking a deep breath, I made the most challenging decision of my life. I quit. And the financial penalty that came with that hasty exit? A whopping $5XXX. That sting was real, not gonn’ lie.

    You might be wondering, “All that drama over a single week?” But that’s just it – no paycheck, however large, is worth losing sleep over. This whirlwind of an experience left me with a life lesson etched in gold: while money can buy comfort, it cannot purchase happiness.

    However, every cloud has it's silver lining. My previous boss, a real gem, welcomed me back with open arms, devoid of any judgement. That familiar hallway, my old desk, it felt like coming back home.

    Nowadays, when friends chat about the allure of more money, I can't help but smile, take a sip of my drink, and narrate my escapade with that so-called “dream job.” We all need a nudge sometimes, a reminder that life's essence isn't just in the numbers on our paycheck. And for some of us, that lesson comes with quite a price tag!

    This was indeed a very expensive lesson learnt and in truth, I wouldn't have it any other way.