• 10 reasons why I left Singapore Airlines

    10 reasons why I left Singapore Airlines
    10 reasons why I left Singapore Airlines
    10 reasons why I left Singapore Airlines

    10 reasons why I left Singapore Airlines
    10 reasons why I left Singapore Airlines

    I can honestly tell you the most popular post on my profile is the “10 reasons to Join SQ” and other SQ posts are also quite popular. But let’s take a look at the other side of things. As the title suggest, I have left Singapore Airlines and here are some of the reasons why 🍵. I will list the more common reasons first then some that are more personal to me.

    1️⃣ Messed up Body Clock

    This is pretty common. I sort of found a way to deal with jet lags and all. I just sleep 12 hours and try to adjust the body clock back. But recently I find it harder to do so, even if I slept 12 hours my body is still in the overseas timing…

    2️⃣ Missing Special Occasions

    At the start of flying, I really enjoyed spending special occasions overseas. Christmas markets in Europe are next level, having hot wine in Frankfurt! Chinese New Year in New York was so fun! It was until I lost my grandma that’s why the dread kicks in. I remember I was leaving for a flight when the call came in. My parents simply told me to go for the flight because there isn’t much for me to do in Singapore. I still managed to attend the funeral and wake on the last few days. I just hate that I can’t be there with and for my family.

    3️⃣ Toxic Work Culture

    This was actually manageable for me because it is not that every flight you go for is toxic. There are more good flights than bad ones, like only 1 out of 10 flights is bad. The bad flights are the one that really get on your nerves. And to be fair, toxicity is in every workplace just as crew it comes in different forms. There are definitely higher ranking crew that abuses their power to make us worker harder than usual but rarely. There is also a SQ Culture amongst the crew that makes the job weird. You can read more about the “SQ Culture” here!

    4️⃣ Physically & Mentally Tiring

    Compared to Pre-Covid, we had more rest days and the stay in the oversea stations were longer as well. Maybe I’m just older or Covid really screw up my body. Nowadays I am so tired, with more flights to do and lesser rest…

    5️⃣ Irregular eating time & processed food

    With midnight flights and odd work hours, it is very common for you to have dinner at 11PM or have lunch at 4AM onboard. On top of that, the food onboard are highly processed to prolong their quality and also extra salty because your tastebuds are weaker in the air.

    6️⃣ Career Progression

    In a regular cabin crew lifespan, it will take at least 7 years to be promoted to the next rank. With Covid, the numbers jumped to 10 years! That’s from the most junior (Blue) to the next rank (Green). For further promotion, you need 7 more years to Red and 7 to the highest which Purple. That’s close to 20 years and the pay grade… isn’t the best but for the job it is pretty good. But of course there are ways to be promoted faster.

    7️⃣ No Meaning in the Work that I do

    I love to travel which is the ultimate reason why I joined the company. But it has come to a point where these oversea stations are the same to me now. There is no more spark, no more excitement in visiting certain stations like London and Paris. I thought to myself if I want to do this for long and the answer is no.

    8️⃣ Job Satisfaction

    I recently got trained to serve business class and I hate it. I don’t like working in Business Class cabin because the passenger profile is very different and the workload is 2 to 3 times more than Economy. The people that are in Economy are mostly going for holidays or for leisure but in Business Class, mostly for work!

    9️⃣ I spend too much money

    This is definitely my personal problem! Hahaha I spend money like crazy whenever I’m overseas. I will go for shows and musicals. Since I’m overseas, I would want to eat well and also enjoy myself right! Hahahah so better stop flying better. Earn more money in Singapore then travel once in awhile.

    🔟 Sustainability

    With all that said, the job is not sustainable. I don’t see myself doing the job long term whether be it job satisfaction or health reasons. It was a good run for 4 years though!

    #CabinCrew #SingaporeAirlines #CrewLife #ADayinMyLife #Thingstodo