• Expected Salary? Name me your terms

    Expected Salary?  Name me your terms
    Expected Salary?  Name me your terms
    Expected Salary?  Name me your terms

    Hi Lemon8, I am back! I have been so busy with work lately that I have not had time to write.

    I'd like to update you on my previous post about the job offer. And how were my other 2 job interviews (1 from the same field, another from another area.)

    Y contacted me again about the job offer and asked me to name my terms. Stating that job flexibility, title and numeration can be discussed. I really don't like to discuss this. Don't get me wrong, I will discuss them in black and white (in detail) for business /partnership. But I often find myself hating to tell people, this is the amount you should pay me.

    I don't know. I just don't like it. 🥲 #salarytransparency

    What happened all these while in my working career, I just took whatever I was given. Never ask for more. I believe if the boss feels I deserve it, I would have the bonus/increment. If not, watch other signs and get ready to pack. hahaha 🫥🤣🤭

    My other interview was in the IT field. To be honest, all seems well. And as I said before, I am OK diving into other industries, even if the base salary will get a cut. But there is a red flag that I cannot compromise: honesty. 💚

    Then, when I decided to stick and not go anywhere. Putting this role as my last destination as an employee. I suddenly received an interview email. And that's how I landed another job interview. It was an executive role in the industry that I am currently working in. I appreciate the interviewer setting the salary expectation and asking if I was okay before we got more profound into the interview.

    Respect. ✌🏻

    So, as usual, they asked me what I do at my current work? What are the things I am looking for in my career journey? Growth.

    I told them I am constantly looking for GROWTH.

    Growth for the company, team and me (personal growth. Where would I be in a company in the next 2 years, 5 years?, and etc)

    So they asked me to name my expected salary.

    👀 I really don't like talking about expected salary. Seriously.

    Yes, money is essential. I don't deny that. We all need money to pay for our bills, get what we need and want.

    But i don't know, salary.

    Expected salary?

    So I told them.

    I don't mind about salary if your company can provide the growth that I am looking for? I am in. We can discuss the expected salary later on. 🦾🔥

    Glad that they did share their company vision and goal for the next expansion and growth with me. 💯

    When I headed home, RJ (hubby) asked me how was it going.

    I told him🌈

    “Wrong train takes me to the right destination”