• Singapore Airlines Culture Shocks!

    Singapore Airlines Culture Shocks!
    Singapore Airlines Culture Shocks!
    Singapore Airlines Culture Shocks!
    Singapore Airlines Culture Shocks!

    Some of them are not really culture shocks but here are some things to take note when you’re starting your journey as a cabin crew!

    1️⃣ Batch Greetings

    This is a military training kind of practice. For the guys, it is like meeting your superior and you “diam” the company and greet the superior. So for SQ, whenever you meet a trainer or an office staff, one trainee in the class will have to take charge and approach the person and ask for their name (e.g. Ms Tan). After that, the trainee will say “Batch, let’s greet Ms Tan a very good morning.” After 2 seconds, she will say “Batch” as the cue to greet together in unison. I didn’t know this was a thing before I join the company. And this culture takes a step further when 2 batches meet each other! So when 2 batches meet, they will have to ask each other’s trainers name and batch number. They will do that greeting thing twice, once for each batch.

    2️⃣ Greet with Eye Contact & Smile

    On the topic of greeting, when you’re walking around the training centre, you are told to greet people with a genuine smile and direct eye contact. I have seen trainees getting scolded for greeting the floor because they were not looking at the person directly. On the first day of training they will say “Greet everything that moves”. This is to cultivate a habit of greeting people.

    3️⃣ Remembering Names

    Depending on the trainer, if they interact with the class a lot, they expect you to remember their names. If you don’t then kena scolding. Sometimes it’s worse… They expect you to go and find out who is the trainer for the next day, know their names before they come for class. I guess this is to replicate the service onboard where we have the names of the passenger readily available.

    4️⃣ Going beyond Proactiveness

    Asking for their names before the class is also part of proactiveness. There are things like keeping the door open for the next person, making sure the room or facility is the way it is before you use it so cleaning them and arranging them. Small things that try to cultivate the habit in you to make sure everything is nice and be like a crew.

    5️⃣ Take Initiative

    This is a double edge sword in my opinion. So they will always ask for volunteers to help with reporting or manpower labour or anything essentially. The thing about volunteering is that if you do a bad job they will be like “Why you want to volunteer when you don’t know how to do it…” And also the trainers will take note of you. If you always volunteer it looks like you are not giving the rest a chance to do it.

    6️⃣ Grooming

    Grooming is so important to a crew. You need to be in top-notch grooming whenever and wherever you are. You will be introduced to baby hair wax for the ladies, hairspray for the guys. You cannot have an acne breakout, if you do then you cannot be flying so during training you have to get rid of it. Other than that, your clothes have to be pressed nicely and proper attire. Formal shirt and tie just without the suit. They are quite strict on the colours you can use for your make-up for ladies. For guys, no using of make-up at all except concealer to conceal your acne marks and blemishes.

    7️⃣ Wellness Management

    They call Weight Management, Wellness Management now maybe because Gen Zs are sensitive so triggered when you say Weight. Anyways, they use BMI as an indicator whether you are overweight or underweight. Both have to go through Weight-watch if you fail to stay within the stated BMI.

    #SingaporeAirlines #SIA #SQ #CabinCrew #Crew #TrainingtobeCrew #SIAStorytime