• I confessed to him when I was 18! I’m 30 now

    I confessed to him when I was 18! I’m 30 now
    I confessed to him when I was 18! I’m 30 now
    I confessed to him when I was 18! I’m 30 now
    I confessed to him when I was 18! I’m 30 now
    I confessed to him when I was 18! I’m 30 now
    I confessed to him when I was 18! I’m 30 now

    I can’t believe I met my first crush at a wedding!

    We used to be so close because of our CCA in poly! We were in archery and our CCA requires us to train 3x a week! Haha I remember enjoying going to archery a lot because I can’t wait to see him and just be close to him LOLLL this is so funny now I’m recounting the story!

    And it is crazy that all these happened 12 years back in 2011/12?!?!

    What I like about him was actually basically his humour la. He is damn funny and he always laugh at my jokes (I don’t even find myself funny) but the main point is I feel extremely comfortable around him!

    I decided to confess to him even though I know we won’t have happy ending cause our values don’t align. I was definitely infatuated and head over heels for him. Whenever I’m close to him, my heart starts to beat so hard! So I plucked up whatever courage I had and confessed BUT he didn’t give me a reply 😭💔

    I felt rejection hard for the first time! I don’t know how guys can always confess to girls and sometimes it isn’t successful not painful meh?

    Anyway back to the story – After the failed confession, sadly our close friendship became an awkward one. Sad. He tried to make our friendship work by being the same but because I was the one being rejected, I didn’t know how to face him anymore!

    Thankfully, after we graduated we still kept in contact and went out for meals here and there but life got busy and we drifted apart for a few years!

    Actually I really enjoyed my poly life a lot, my course, my CCA and my the community!Ngee Ann Polytechnic FTW!!

    I was so happy to see him at the wedding I was shooting earlier this month 🙂 I was shooting his sister’s wedding and he was the one who introduced me to his sister so I’m thankful that he still remembers me ✨

    As I was talking to him at his sister’s wedding I could see why we didn’t work out hahaha nonetheless, I’m happy that both of us are doing well in our lives.

    The silly things we do in our youths will be memories that are etched to my heart forever ❤️ #noregrets

    Have you girls confessed before? How did it turn out? Hahaha