• smol gift for my LDR bf!

    smol gift for my LDR bf!
    smol gift for my LDR bf!

    heLLO everyone! my boyfriend is in korea for exchange now aaaand before he left i was thinking of what to get for him~ i didn't wna get anything too bulky/something he alr had… and then i had the idea for a notebook with compiled mini notes for him to read along the way!

    each note was for a specific type of day! there's a content page for him to refer to hehe and here's some of the notes i wrote for him:

    🤍 for your first day of school

    🤍 for your birthday

    🤍 for a frustrating day

    🤍 for a cold day

    🤍 for a good day

    🤍 for a tiring day

    even though we're super lucky to both have the internet + telegram + facetime n everything to keep each other updated, i felt that a handmade gift with encouraging notes would still be nice 🙂 i also made him a bracelet with his name on it hehe he wears it everyday~

    it's not too time-consuming or expensive to create it too! i got the notebook from muji at around $3 (i think), but the photos… were a bit expensive hehe bc i was short on time so i went to print it at a shop… but you can order bulk prints online!

    for this website below, you can get photo strips at $1.50, and polaroid style prints for $0.60 each whiiich is pretty worth imo🫶🏻

    funnily enough he made a scrapbook for me too! while mine was for him to read in korea, his was for us to keep adding on new memories, and to look back on in the future! am a lucky gorl <3

    just a simple idea! big hugs everyone <3