• Living with in-laws - the PROS & CONS

    Living with in-laws - the PROS & CONS

    I have been living with my in-laws for the past 1 year, while waiting for my BTO to be ready for move-in (hopefully by early next year). It was extremely awkward and uneasy for me at first as I had to adapt to a new living environment, away from my precious mum and brother whom I have been living with for the past 27 years 😭

    In this journey of mine, there are definitely both merits and struggles:

    ✅ Pros

    💰Saving Big: No rents, which helps us to build more savings before the BTO comes.

    🍽️Daily Feasts: My parents-in-law cook everyday and dinner is always ready for me after work, unless I have other dinner plans. I am also thankful for them helping out with my laundry as they do so for the entire family.

    ❌ Cons

    🤫 Limited Privacy: To have the luxury of ample personal space can be challenging. I will usually keep myself to our room and the dining area.

    🤝 Balancing Act: Harmonising his family’s and my routines can be tricky. For instance, they are early birds who wake up early at around 6/7am to have breakfast, while I am one who usually wake up at around 9/10am on weekends. I guess I learnt to wake up earlier as time goes by, to blend in as an early bird.

    Overall, I am grateful for the support my in-laws have extended to me so far. There are inconveniences but they are usually minor and bearable for the time being.

    However, to be honest, I wouldn’t deny having negative feelings often because I miss my home, mum and brother, since I got married – especially when I wish my husband was more supportive and understanding in certain situations.

    Cheers to better days ahead 💕
