• Getting Married Before 21

    Getting Married Before 21
    Getting Married Before 21

    you read that right. i got married before i turned 21.

    how can? aren't you too young? why the rush? was it shotgun?

    entirely possible with the support of my mother. initially, she was fearful. of course, she would be. but after having talks with her and gaining each other's understanding, she was happy for me.

    as a mother, of course she would be afraid to see her daughter make the wrong choices. but she also knows that i am the type of person to make very decisive decisions and this decision to get married early also wasn't a shock to her as i have been making my own choices my whole life. my parents gave me full autonomy to know right from wrong and gave me room to make mistakes. character development and experience they say…. but i love them for giving me the opportunity to do so.

    im not in a rush either, honestly. but where i am in my life, i am somehow ahead of other peers my age. wasn't shotgun either, we were already engaged before i got pregnant😂 funny how life never aligns to plans.

    lets talk about the procedures that MSF requires for couples getting married, specifically one of the two under 21.

    obviously, my mother needed to consent.

    we needed to go through a marriage preparatory course which lasted 2 days for the license. theres a special number for us to give to the ROM office to verify that we have undergone the course. plus, we have a marriage counsellor to help us adapt to new changes for the first year of marriage. we could contact her any time for help! big ups to MSF for helping young couples understand and strengthen marriages.

    honestly, id recommend for couples intending to get married even above 21 years of age. it is a very insightful course and it helped us understand how marriage changes and life changes.

    key takeaway is that marriage will change. love will change. dynamic will change. both parties will change. its whether or not both parties choose find a balance and choose to adapt to change together.

    after we received our license, only then we can file for ROM! after that its pretty straightforward. like every other couple. my mother was my witness and i would not have changed a thing about that because she is my rock.

    for us, getting married also wasn't going to drastically change our dynamic at an instant. i am still pursuing my degree & he is building his career, we give each other the room to do so and found a balance.

    so getting married before 21, can meh? can.

    so long as you understand that both parties took vows. therefore, live up to the vows every day.

    3Cs! communication, comprehension, commitment. its two people against a problem, not each other.