• [VIDEO] how i celebrated my bf’s birthday ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა

    hi loves, if y’all need some inspiration to plan for your bf’s birthday, then this post is for you! as i have exams next week, i could not plan for a whole day of activities but i still wanted it to be special so here’s what i did!


    so for the cake, i preordered a bento cake from IG @breadwith_butter (my goto bento cake shop for all my friends' bdays) 2 weeks before so it could arrive on time for the big day! (a tip would be to make the necessary arrangements early to avoid last min cancellations)


    i reserved 3 restaurants in advance as i couldn’t decide on where to go😅 but i ended up settling on Bedrock Origins at Oasis Resort Sentosa (a Skytrain ride from Vivocity to Imbiah station). so to surprise him, i made a dinner invitation letter on Canva, printed it out, and placed it in an envelope (gift no. 1️⃣)


    thankfully, there were a lot of movies screening atm and so i booked movie tickets online for Transformers! i then redesigned the ticket on Canva and placed it in another envelope (gift no. 2️⃣)


    for the gifts, i wanted it to be personalised and so i ordered a custom 3D photo lamp of us! (gift no. 3️⃣) for the second gift, i made a video which compiled all our memories since the day we met and uploaded it onto a thumbdrive (gift no. 4️⃣)


    i told him that i was studying for exams and didn’t have much time to plan anything and so we settled on a casual meal at vivo🤪when we reached, i passed him the bag of gifts labeled no. 1️⃣-4️⃣ and asked him to open them in order starting from no. 1️⃣ which showed the dinner invitation to a fancy restaurant. (he was 😨 as he thought we were having a casual meal)

    after our meal, i asked him to open gift no. 2️⃣ which showed the movie plan after dinner. (he was 😨 again as he thought i had to leave after dinner) while we were chatting, i unboxed the bento cake under the table which i hid in my bag. after lighting up the candles underneath, i pull up the bento cake and sang him a birthday song. (the man was 😱 beyond words 😂😂)

    when we’re done with the movie which was hella good btw, we went home and i told him to open gift no. 3️⃣ which he loved so yay🥰. we ended the night by watching the video (gift no. 4️⃣) which almost made him tear up but he didn’t 🙃

    anyways that’s everything i did for his birthday! it wasn’t much but it was my best effort with my current time😭 i hoped this would give y’all some ideas on what to do and good luck with your planning!

    remember that sometimes it’s not about how much you spend but it’s the effort and thoughts that make everything extra special for the person🤍

    #boyfriend #BirthdayIdeas #birthday #giftideas #giftsforhim #ThingsToDo #DIY #surprise