• Unpopular opinion: Weddings are not necessary

    Unpopular opinion: Weddings are not necessary
    Unpopular opinion: Weddings are not necessary
    Unpopular opinion: Weddings are not necessary
    Unpopular opinion: Weddings are not necessary

    We didn’t have one and we have no regrets!

    What we did instead – overseas pre-wedding photoshoots (since we were travelling in, might as well plan for photoshoots) and an intimate private lunch for 20pax with tea ceremony

    Why we didn’t want a wedding banquet:

    – Didn’t feel the need to

    – Our parents didn’t insist on us having one

    – We prefer intimate gatherings where we can connect and talk to each of our loved ones

    Why we chose a private lunch (for 20pax) and tea ceremony

    – We still wanted to show respect to our parents and those closest to us by offering tea to them

    – And they are the ones who we want to witness our solemnisation

    What we did:

    – Booked a private room for:

    – Solemnisation

    – Tea ceremony

    – Teochew lunch for 20pax: we love their food and we got to enjoy our meal

    – Flew off for our honeymoon the next day!

    Do you think a wedding banquet is a must?