yup you heard right!! my boyfriend and i have known each other for 5 years now!! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ we met in sec 1 and have been interested in each other since sec 2 :>> now fast forward to 18 and we are as happy and in love as ever, despite me going to poly and hin going to jc !

    that being said, it definitely wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows from the start. we were young then and still learning so there were many mistakes made along the way. there used to be a lot of misunderstandings and petty fights between us but we made sure that we reconciled in the end and learnt from it! and i think that really helped us grow and understand each other better, which is what sets us apart from other relationships and contributed towards our growth ;3 so today i wanna share some of these tips with you guys!!


    i cannot stress this ENOUGH! communication is KEY in a relationship. TALK to your partner!! when arguments happen, take the time to explain your thoughts and feelings to your partner so that they can realise what they’ve done wrong. they can’t read your mind you know ! 🥴 at the same time, always remain open minded because who knows, you might be the one in the wrong!! put your pride aside and remain reasonable and receptive to criticism. forgive each other and move on! this in my opinion, is one of the most important aspects of a healthy relationship 😉

    2. mutual respect

    respect is sooo important in a relationship. respect each other’s boundaries!! if both of you agree to wanna take things further, have a conversation about what’s acceptable for you and your partner. what are your boundaries? what is considered as crossing the line to you?

    once the both of you are clear on that, the next step is sticking to it!! in whatever you do, keep in mind what your partner has mentioned to you and respect it! but of course, keep your boundaries reasonable as well :> things like “no talking to ANY girl/guy besides me” is obviously damn unrealistic and unreasonable.. then you are the red flag!! 🚩🚩🚩

    3. ability to compromise

    let’s be real here.. not everything is gonna go your way, not only in a relationship but in every part of your life as well! in order to maintain a healthy relationship with your partner, compromise is key. maybe your partner enjoys outdoor dates but you’re an indoor person? maybe you really like japanese food but your partner loves korean food! talk to them! find a middle ground where both parties can have a fair share of what they enjoy, while allowing the other a fair share as well! in a relationship, you accept that you are no longer two separate people but have become one. and if you truly love the other person then you will want them to be happy right :> so always keep an open mind and try new things! you never know what you might discover about yourself 😋😋

    4. mutual understanding

    aaand finally, mutual understanding. empathy is sooo important in a relationship— being able to understand each other’s feelings and accepting that it’s normal! putting yourself in your partner’s shoes may help you picture the situation better and work towards finding common ground. understanding that we are not perfect and that mistakes are bound to be made. but on the bright side, use it to your advantage, talk it out and it will definitely help the two if you work towards a stronger relationship 💪🏻💪🏻

    okie and that’s all the advice i have for yall today!!~ i really hope this helped and like and save if it did!! FOLLOW FOR MORE and see yall in the next post!!

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