• letting go

    letting go
    letting go

    Sometimes in life, there are moments when you meet someone who leaves an indelible mark on your heart, only for circumstances to pull you apart. Such is the story of “the one that got away,” a person whose presence in my life was fleeting but left a lasting impact.


    It all began in a dimly lit nightclub, a place where I sought refuge from the tumultuous whirlwind of my first relationship, which had grown overwhelmingly toxic. On that night, I found myself dancing, laughing, and enjoying the company of a stranger who would soon become a significant chapter in my life's story.

    We met amidst the thumping bass and swirling lights, our connection instant and electric. Our conversations flowed effortlessly, as if we had known each other for a lifetime. In each other's presence, we discovered a sanctuary from the chaos of our respective worlds. As we danced and shared stories, it became increasingly apparent that this newfound connection was something special.

    However, the universe has a funny way of testing our choices and commitments. Just as I was beginning to explore the possibilities of this budding connection, I made the decision to return to my toxic relationship, foolishly believing it could be salvaged. Inevitably, communication between me and the one who had captured my heart came to a halt.


    Years passed, and the toxicity of my first relationship took its toll. I finally gathered the strength to end it, and in the process, I thought about the person I had met during that brief interlude in the club. We reconnected and had a romantic rendezvous. Fate had other plans, though, as I found myself entering into another relationship shortly thereafter, and the chance for rekindling our connection slipped through my fingers once again.


    After ending another relationship, I found myself on a path of self-discovery and healing. Just when I least expected it, an unexpected message appeared in my inbox, and there he was—the ex-fling who had once ignited sparks in my heart. His reappearance stirred a whirlwind of emotions, a blend of nostalgia and curiosity. I couldn't deny the undeniable chemistry that had once drawn us together, and as his words flowed, I began to wonder if fate was offering me a chance to rewrite my love story. The past and the present collided, leaving me with a choice to make, and a feeling that this chapter was far from over.

    Our lives continued to intersect, albeit briefly, at various points. Each time, the connection remained, but the timing was never quite right. We settled into a friendly but distant rapport, always aware of the potential that lingered beneath the surface.


    Then, as life often does, it took an unexpected turn. I found myself engaged to someone new, ready to embark on a new chapter. It was then that he decided to make his move, confessing his feelings for me. I was faced with a heartbreaking choice: the person who had always been on the periphery of my heart versus the one with whom I had chosen to build a future.

    In the end, I made the decision to honor my commitment and move forward with my engagement. The one that got away had come back into my life when I was no longer available, and I had to remain true to my choices.

    As I reflect on the story of the one that got away, I am reminded of the bittersweet nature of life's twists and turns. Sometimes, we meet people who touch our souls deeply but are destined to remain in the realm of “what-ifs.” While I may never know what could have been, I will always cherish the memories of our brief encounters and the lessons they taught me about timing, choices, and the complexities of the human heart. Sometimes, even the most profound connections are meant to be cherished as beautiful moments in the tapestry of our lives, without ever becoming the main thread of the story.

    “I was so in love with the fact that we can never be together. That we never had our timing. But just like the sun and the moon, we compromise each other and give light to the ones who need us. Perhaps in another lifetime, the universe will conspire and our stars will align. Till then, I’ll be sending you a daily dose of love and light.”