• diary: ordinary made extraordinary

    diary: ordinary made extraordinary
    diary: ordinary made extraordinary
    diary: ordinary made extraordinary

    the me 3 years ago wouldn’t have wanted to spend my birthday this way

    👧🏻 previous years 👧🏻

    well yes u call me immature but 3 years ago, I would have wanted EVERYONE I love to be present on my actual birthdate and spend at least a meal with me

    🎂 I valued my birthday above everyone’s commitment and would get really upset with my love ones couldn’t make time for me

    even if they had already made time for me before my birthday or made arrangements after my birthday, I am still insatiable

    🫠 how childish indeed

    👩🏻 this year 👩🏻

    I did not feel this way this year

    (& I honestly dk why and what have change)

    i just feel … normal

    like my viewpoint towards this birthday thing just change!

    🎂 in fact, I was just doing what I do on a typical weekday: (1) clearing my work, (2) going for work.

    As a freelancer, I can honestly choose not to do any work but I’m glad I did.

    In fact it’s the little things that day that makes the ordinary day extraordinary

    👉🏼 working out at bft

    tgt w my gym wife, we burn calories & had fun

    gymming also increase endorphins 🧬

    👉🏼 teaching at FLAiR

    the 3 kids in my class rmbed that it was my birthday & the moment I reach school, they came up to me and whispered happy birthday. u never know how touched I was. they initiated a birthday song + blowing out candles on an invisible cake 🤣

    👉🏼 lunch w dad

    my dad was a retiree so he would send and pick me up from my classes (if it’s convenient)

    dad ain’t a fan of eating in restaurants but during warm days I just want to be in air-con places. So whenever I was hot, I always asked to eat at “Pizza Hut” bcos he is a vegetarian & there are limited options at Lot 1.

    Anyway, he brought me to Pizza Hut for lunch & said it’s on him 🥺

    👉🏼 tutees

    tutees were sweet enough to rmb my birthday but I have no idea why they all whispered happy birthday instead of saying it normally BUT it’s the whisper that get to me 💖

    i still find it odd that I feel this way sometimes

    but it’s a good change

    till then,

    happy me,

    ☁️ de