• attending my first fashion week! ️

    attending my first fashion week! ️
    attending my first fashion week! ️
    attending my first fashion week! ️
    attending my first fashion week! ️

    as u guys have seen from my previous posts, i attended london fashion week for the AW23 season <3

    it was such an exciting n incredible experience. it allowed me to understand how fashion weeks work. e.g. i used to think shows would last for like an hour? at least 30 minutes? but each catwalk show is usually 10 mins! its really short & ure out of the venue before you know it

    as u know, front row seats are always reserved for the vips and im obvi no vip so i was usually seated second row/sometimes standing! (with an exception of being front row for one show i was really lucky😭) iphone 3x zoom really came in handy lol the videos still managed to be pretty hd so q slay

    there are photographers EVERYWHERE!!! especially street style photographers. when i first arrived at my very first show, i was literally looking for my friend but like 5 photographers stopped me to ask to take a street photo😭 it was so overwhelming but actually such a fun experience! they usually offer to send u the photos after so u get free professional snapshots🫶🏻 its also a way to network! i got in contact with multiple london photographers & hope to stay in contact!

    it was really fun getting to dress up but was quite stressed bcos its FASHION week😭 w only one week to prep, it was so overwhelming but managed to pull thru👍🏻

    tbh still cant believe that i had this amazing opportunity & really am so grateful!!! def gave me more insight to the industry & helps me with my career 🙂 to more fashion weeks🙏🏻

    #fashionsg #Fashion