• Day in my life working in Big Tech

    Day in my life working in Big Tech
    Day in my life working in Big Tech
    Day in my life working in Big Tech
    Day in my life working in Big Tech
    Day in my life working in Big Tech
    Day in my life working in Big Tech
    Day in my life working in Big Tech
    Day in my life working in Big Tech

    I’m an intern in a cloud company. Follow me through a day in my life as a program manager 💞

    This is not a typical day because we have a customer event and I’m helping with the set up as one of my team members is down. It’s a more-than-usual exciting day so keep that in mind!


    I took a grab to our event location which was at JW Marriott. Interestingly, my past company was having an event there as well!

    8am – 930am:

    I was checking that all the event materials and registration booth and areas were set up! Got a coffee as I woke up early today. I had a little snack from our lil buffet as there were a lot of extras. It was yummy!!


    The event started. But the pictures are confidential so no photos to share 🥲🫶 It was successful!


    We had lunch at the Hotel buffet with the customers that came down. There were lots of fresh seafood so I snagged that. I also became a meme because I ate so much dessert that my coworkers (in their 40’s) took a photo of me. They were fascinated by how much I ate 🤣


    Back to the office! I finished up some work before heading to dinner with the team. One of our USA team members flew in to host the event ON HIS BIRTHDAY + other team members flew in from countries in ASEAN and NZ so my manager booked drinks and dinner for everyone to get together! My team’s a worldwide team so it’s super cool to work with people everywhere.


    We went to Potato Head. And it’s kinda funny as the last time I was here, I was on a date and the food was not that good. But the food this time was great?? And then my coworkers kept handing me food because of how much I ate at lunch 🤡 Team’s designated glutton…. I tried an espresso martini for the first time and some other cocktails!! I left early because I had my university project meeting but the rest of the team stayed till late. I was adulting while the kids (40 year olds) were out hanging 🤣


    Group project meeting for my graduation project 😭

    So that’s a day in my life working in Tech! Let me know if you have any questions 🫶 I’d love to write more about working in tech or what I’ve learnt so let me know!!

    #My9to5 #techindustry #techsales #careeradvice #internship #universitytips #corporatelife