• how i spent my year 1 uni summer break! ️️

    how i spent my year 1 uni summer break! ️️
    how i spent my year 1 uni summer break! ️️
    how i spent my year 1 uni summer break! ️️
    how i spent my year 1 uni summer break! ️️

    seeing everybody interning/travelling/working during summer break has made me feel pressured to do something productive with my time😣 usually i’ll spend my holidays lazing and going out but since my first uni 3 month break isn’t short i tried to make full use of it ~

    -working out

    i took this time to workout since i didn’t have time to during school term! i’ve been really into pilates but i’ve discovered aerial yoga a year ago and now i’m obsessed .. i’ve tried hammock and hoop classes and i’m so glad i found a studio i love!

    i’ve longed to try out for my school’s cheer team too since before matriculating but didn’t get to so i did it this year! no more excuses😎 and also been inspired to gym by my friends so i tried that for abit too

    -self care

    nothing i love more than self care~ i’ve been going for facials regularly and i decided to change my hair colour this holiday! i’ve never had black hair since i was 16!!

    and after so much pondering i also decided to just get the jaw botox i’ve been seeing on tiktok.. it was quite a big step for me since i’ve never done any procedure in my life and i’m still young! although it’s expensive, i always feel that it’s worth investing in self care. regardless of what i go for (be it nails, lashes, etc) i always feel so much confident after


    as a student with no proper job i find it hard to sustain all these financially (aerial classes, facials, botox) so i took on f&b jobs. i’ve always sworn that i’ll never ever work f&b seeing the stress along with my fear of carrying trays but i’ve come to find a job that’s actually perfect for me! i have fun running around, time flies and working feels like a restaurant simulation game.

    i do brand ambassador jobs on the side once a month when there are mbs convention events! those pay well and i get to dress up and talk to business people (and pretend i know what i’m doing)

    i also had the opportunity to work at zouk as a service crew but i don’t think i’ll be returning unfortunately.. though i get to enjoy free music the atmosphere isn’t for me. though if you are one who loves to drink and are familiar with alcohol u should def give it a go 🙂