• bad experiences with a brand as a lil creator

    bad experiences with a brand as a lil creator
    bad experiences with a brand as a lil creator
    bad experiences with a brand as a lil creator
    bad experiences with a brand as a lil creator
    bad experiences with a brand as a lil creator
    bad experiences with a brand as a lil creator

    🤍 wow okay, i never thought that i would be doing such a post?!

    🖤 this is the story of how i got blocked & uninvited to a media event.

    🤍 soo i’ve been posting on lemon8 for a few months & i love that theres a space for me to do reviews of things i love! never have i once thought that i would be invited to a media tasting event by a company!! & i love that lemon8 has given me the platform to get such opportunities

    🖤 on 4 feb, i received a dm on my ig from this company inviting me to their media tasting event. i was so excited bc omg i never thought that i would be invited to media events. bc im not a big creator, neither do i have a big following on ig. so it wasnt even on my mind that i would really be invited to such event.

    🤍 i was so excited & even invited my mum as my plus one. i was prepared to take leave from my full time job but i asked if i could join the slot after my work ends. but that slot is full!

    🖤 the person who invited me told me that shes consolidating the numbers for the afternoon slot & if there isnt enough people, she would extend the invite for 11/12 feb to me. shortly after, she told me that the event is on the 18 feb!

    🤍 i didnt question the drastic change in date bc it made sense. the initial slot supposing didnt have enough people and it was on a weekday afternoon. 18 feb is a sat hence i thought oh mayb more people are available! great! so i agreed to that

    🖤 still, i was so excited & thankful for this opportunity!

    🤍 on 7 feb night, she dmed me saying that they are excited to host me tomorrow! obvi i didnt see the message bc i was tired from work & i dont really check my dms. i dont have a reason to check it as well as the event was said to be on the 18th

    🖤 realising this only on the 8th morning, i kindly expressed my concern that the event was said to be on the 18th. i told her that i cant make it. bc im working a full time job w a career that doesnt intersect w this industry at all.

    🤍 she replied with ‘Hi, there’s no workshop on 18 Feb – it must be a typo on my end. The media workshop you signed up for is today, 8 Feb’

    🖤 yes, i did sign up for the 8th but she also typed 18 feb in the above message. am i suppose to question the boss’s decision to change the media event to 18th? no, at least i dont think im in that position to do so?!!!

    🤍 i was still okay, like its a honest mistake on her end. a typo is easily made!

    🖤 i mentioned that i could still make it for the 11/12 as shes extended the invite previously. i even mentioned that its no worries if the 11/12 wont fit her (as it might alrdy be full). i knew that its a honest mistake & its okay if i dont get to go! at this point, i was still p excited (p dumb of me lol).

    🤍 till, i realise she blocked me. i couldnt see her profile but my friends could. i had so much hope in this company that they didnt block me bc of what they supposing stand for. they are all abt healing & mental wellness

    🖤 my thoughts

    🤍 im jus in a bit of a shock. like i said, i never thought i would be invited to a media event. i was happy to be working with a brand that promotes mental wellness (im an associate psychologist!)

    🖤 its the lack of professionalism for me. she couldnt even acknowledge my replies or let me know that hey 11/12 doesnt suit her as well.

    🤍 what i’ve learnt from this

    🖤 i still know my own worth & know that my content still appeals to some! although not all of my post does well, i know that some has interacted w my post & enjoyed it.

    🤍 what you should get out of my experience

    🖤 know your worth, love yourself! we face harsh rejections sometimes & we question our worth. uve earned ur space in ur industry, school, home, life & a space in this world.

    ✨ i wont be exposing the name of the company or any identifiers of this company. im not out here to ruin someone’s hard earned business. im here to tell u that theres nice and not really nice people on this earth, be nice to yourself. remember your worth!