• WFH Daily Routine️When 9 to 5 is anything you want

    WFH Daily Routine️When 9 to 5 is anything you want
    WFH Daily Routine️When 9 to 5 is anything you want
    WFH Daily Routine️When 9 to 5 is anything you want
    WFH Daily Routine️When 9 to 5 is anything you want
    WFH Daily Routine️When 9 to 5 is anything you want
    WFH Daily Routine️When 9 to 5 is anything you want
    WFH Daily Routine️When 9 to 5 is anything you want
    WFH Daily Routine️When 9 to 5 is anything you want
    WFH Daily Routine️When 9 to 5 is anything you want
    WFH Daily Routine️When 9 to 5 is anything you want

    Sharing a day in my life as a creative who permanently works from home 👩🏻‍🎨

    While some might find it lonely, I actually love this lifestyle because I’m super introverted irl and I’m able to focus better working from home. While the freelance life seems liberating, I like to structure my day because it’s very easy to lose control of time when there’s no one peeking over your shoulder everyday.

    I design my schedule based on when I'm the most productive. This might mean watching Netflix in the afternoon and working like a slave at night. I guess one of the perks of freelancing is getting to choose when you want to work 🥹

    🕛 Here are how I usually structure my day :

    ☀️ Morning (filled with slacking off and getting ready for the day)

    I usually wake up at 9am and spend half an hour playing with my phone before actually leaving the bed. It’s a bad habit but it helps me stay awake 🥱 Afterwards I take a quick shower before having a simple breakfast that doesn’t require much prep, like fruits or granola.

    I know I’m not productive in the morning, so I dedicate 10:00AM-Noon to doing ‘light’ admin work that doesn’t require much thinking, like sending out invoices or replying to emails. I often schedule concalls during this timing as well so I can do the necessary work during the day.

    ✨ Productivity tip : Keep track of the timings when you are most productive and give your 200% during that period. Use the hours outside this timing to rest! This will help you complete your work much faster than forcing yourself to give 100% for the whole day.


    I usually try to make my lunches at home, because Singapore is too hot and I don't want to melt under the sun just to eat mediocre caifan 🙂 I avoid carb-heavy food for lunch because I know it makes me sleepy and I’ll be tempted to take a nap! My go-to meals are easy to make and protein-heavy to keep me full throughout the day. I swear by this century egg and tofu salad because it ticks all the boxes.

    🥵 Afternoon (filled with ‘medium’ intensity work)

    I dedicate the hours from 1-5PM to lay down the foundation of what needs to be done for the day. This includes ‘easy’ design work like coming up with a mood board or doing up simple sketches. I also finish up works that can be done quickly and doesn’t require much time blocking. Some creative work requires you to be ‘in the zone’ and there are too many emails coming in during this timing that I just avoid doing the more complex work during the day.


    At 5pm, I usually go on a long walk to hit my daily 10k steps goal. Working mostly in front of the computer means packing the pounds easily if I don’t make the effort to stay active. I usually do my daily chores during this timing too to save time. If I’m not cooking, I’d get a quick dinner outside before coming back.

    🌙 Night (filled with ‘heavy’ intensity work)

    I do most of my work after 8pm because I’m most productive at night. I also love nighttime because I don’t have to stay alert for any incoming messages or emails! This is actually my favourite part of the day, even though the workload is much heavier (spoken like a true introvert I guess 🫣).

    Do you work from home too? How do you spend your day? 👀