• 2am rants & stuff i keep to myself

    2am rants & stuff i keep to myself
    2am rants & stuff i keep to myself
    2am rants & stuff i keep to myself

    2am rants & stuff i keep to myself
    2am rants & stuff i keep to myself

    I woke up yesterday at 5am to hit the gym at 630am to set a precedent that I will be better with my sleeping and waking fucking BODY CLOCK.

    But NO. I screwed up gravely cuz right after coming back from the gym I deadass proceeded to take the longest, drooliest sleep of my life. Like the sleep until you got bedsheet face kinda sleep.

    I’ve been sleeping at 4-5am and it is not good because my body clock auto wakes me up at around 9-10am which is about the time I have to let to poos out to pee.

    I think this stems from idk my anxiety spiralling out of control. Maybe one day I can write about why I feel the way I feel but I don’t think I can yet. For the foreseeable future at least. I don’t want to come across stupidly fake deep so I hope that entire intro isn’t as lame as how I feel it is while rereading this.

    Anyway, after gymming (by myself for the first time in months) an email literally same day as the ONE FUCKING DAY AFTER DEPRESSION ERA I DECIDED TO HIT THE GYM, I received an email from an unnamed gym for a sponsorship. WHAT ARE THE ODDS. I’ve been booking sessions at gym pod simply because my self esteem really cannot fucking handle gym bros. And I am well aware they are super judgey, NOT from hearsay but literally because my sister was the brunt of their condescending comments way too many times.

    I’m sat infant of my computer right now typing this contemplating rescheduling my 6.30am gympod session.

    Tomorrow (Tuesday) seems to be rather empty for me but on Wednesday I double booked myself and I have to give up going to a drunk elephant event which sucks because I’m the biggest fan of their products. But the shoot I’m going for – instead of the event – is not anything I’m lamenting bout cuz I genuinely couldn’t be prouder. It is a collaboration between AllThingsHalal and another YouTube channel. I’m not sure if I can name any names yet but let’s not until the partnership is 100% confirmed. And after that I’ve got to rush off for a movie premier.

    I feel like my life is legit fucking mad sometimes like I used to post stupid videos on a now deleted YouTube channel of me lipsyncing to things and pretending to be a “YouTuber” but this line of work has always been a distant dream. So now living is as a reality is kind of strange. It feels like an out of body experience peppered with the biggest case of imposter syndrome. But I’ve been actively taking steps to embrace this life.

    My first step was to STOP saying “Hi I’m Nicole and I’m an iNfLuEnCeR I guess……” just cuz the term had negative connotations to it.

    Fuck that la chibai. At the end of the fucking day I can choose to call myself an NfLuEnCeR and forever deliver that line with the quirky “ew I hate this term it’s so negative” vibe attached to it or I can just proudly own it. Which is what I’m coming to terms with doing and learning to embrace.

    Also, if you’re a creator/writer I don’t even know how to classify y’alls that come up with all the beautiful edits and text. But if y’all have a decent traction and can see yourself working in this line in the long run, my word of advice is as long as you start realising people do trust your opinions and reviews, stop doing content for free.

    Initially when Tiktok first started brands kept trying to do barters because they just didn’t see the value of Tiktok and now you can count on your fingers how many major brands have yet to make the transition.

    Don’t let yourself get taken advantage of!!!!!!!!!! If you ever need advice I am a dm away (is my privacy settings set to y’all can dm me?? If not can teach me how I’ll go toggle with the settings as well).

    I’ve lost my train of thought. Whoops.

    OH omg okay I feel like one thing that is refreshing about lemon8 is how FEMALE DOMINATED IT IS and it’s just so slumber party vibes it feels like a safe zone from all the chibai user123412941948120s on Tiktok.

    I feel like doing Tiktok for more thank 3 years should have harden my skin but sometimes when my videos hit the Facebook crowd it is a little difficult to ignore the hate. Because these mofos just have a way of pushing your buttons with their comments. I get exceptionally annoyed when the comments are attacking the people in the vide (eg I post a vid w my bestie or boyfriend) like they didn’t chose the fucking content creator life they should not be subjected to these comments. I admit with full transparency – I really don’t think this is anything worth hiding – I delete hateful comments because 1, fuck u and also 2, it is my page why I allow some cock to talk shit.

    But then again sometimes I will (this me trying to describe so y’all get a clear picture) kinda like my soul come out of my body and see me from 3rd person view and just check myself like am I being a dumb fuck?

    I’ve come to the conclusion that I am fucking annoying sometimes so I get the friction. I hate the sound of my voice how I sound like I am constantly having a stuffy nose which I guess I do cuz I have sinus. Sometimes I try to speak with a throatier tone and I feel it comes off smoother but getting used to doing that is a downright pain. So nasally annoying parrot ass sounding voice overs it shall be I guess.

    Also, I wanna say a lot of y’all be posting reccos and stuff here and so I feel like I’ll keep my reccs and hauls and whatever else nots on my IG & TT. Over here my aim is to keep it personal, try to write about my day everyday or at least spend an hour writing. Maybe it will stimulate the academic side of my brain that’s clearly been wasting away the moment I coloured in my last MCQ bubble in A levels.

    It’s 2.30am now I might just reschedule my gym sesh to later in the day. I’ll need melatonin to sleep. I’ve been needing it for a few years on and off now. Okay, my eyes are dry my brain is dead goodnight besties.

    <3 me

    i am selfabsorbedly using a hashtag w my name so i can refer to these in the future something i deeply regret not doing on tiktok 🥲🥲🥲🥲