• This Fishing Trip Almost Went South…

    This Fishing Trip Almost Went South…
    This Fishing Trip Almost Went South…
    This Fishing Trip Almost Went South…
    This Fishing Trip Almost Went South…

    This is a story that I’ve told many of my friends and a story that I will continue to tell how my life was almost taken away from me.

    Before covid hit, I used to fish a lot with my ex and some friends. One of the fishing trips almost became a nightmare for my brother and I.

    It was about 3 AM and we were chilling. I was asleep on the sampan fishing boat, I woke up to my captain speeding. Half awake, I was wondering what happened but didn’t say a thing.

    My brother and I were the only Singaporeans in the boat. Being the ONLY female onboard, I was told to hide under the seats. There was a silhouette of what look like a huge navy ship, chasing our boat. (See 2nd picture for reference.) My captain and the captain of that huge ship, had a 15-20 minutes conversation but it didn’t feel right. I wondered, why did they ask me to hide?

    After the conversation ended, my captain immediately sped away without asking to lift the anchor. After awhile of speeding, we came to a halt and they lifted the anchor. They translated the conversation for us. They told us that the captain of that ship were asking us for directions but our captain was afraid because they could be dangerous.

    You know how certain situations get you thinking only after the situation ended? I was wondering to myself, “That ship is HUGE. There is no way they don’t have an extra radar or some other form of navigation device.” That’s when it hit me… “Oh shit… I could’ve been human trafficked or that could’ve been a pirate raid.” My brother and I sat in silence for a bit, sinking all of that in. We just realised our lives could’ve been tragically changed forever. Our captain really saved us. I was terrified because I had forgotten to bring my passport with me and being on international waters without a passport, is NOT a great idea.

    Recently, my brother and I had a conversation about this incident again. He said he remembers seeing a cross on the front of the ship. That creeped me out a bit more. But to talk about this again, was a reminder for me to be grateful for where I am today. I would not be sitting on that table talking to my brother again if things had gone the other way that night.

    Life can change so quickly in an instant, but for this one, my brother’s life and mine was saved. This was a scary incident that I will never forget and probably a story that I will save for parties!

    Like and comment down if you have any scary incidents like this! Follow me for more content!