• Watch NDP Fireworks without the crowd!

    Watch NDP Fireworks without the crowd!
    Watch NDP Fireworks without the crowd!
    Watch NDP Fireworks without the crowd!
    Watch NDP Fireworks without the crowd!

    Aren’t you sick of squeezing with the crowd to watch the fireworks?

    If you just want to get a elevated view without a huge crowd read on.

    Discovered this spot while making my way to MBS, it’s on an elevated bridge crossing over from the other side of the road. I can’t recall the particulars but on the bridge it allows you to have your own corner on the bridge while there’s no need to head all the way to MBS from Padang!

    If you’re not picky, I would settle for this alternative 2nd floor view with no crowd as everyone will be rushing to watch the fireworks on the other side! The only downside is the some building blocking the view but anyhow the fireworks view is pretty good if you ask me.

    #ndpfireworks #ndpfireworks2023