• Getting Married At 20 | How & Why

    Getting Married At 20 | How & Why

    I cannot believe that I got married (12 Feb 2023 ) at the age of 20, not even technically legal in Singapore. Prior to this, my partner and I had to take lessons about love, finance and family planning with Care Corner to get our certificate before we can register our marriage at ROM.

    How did I know he was THE ONE?

    To be honest, I didn't know if he was the right person, since we weren't together for that long, but we have been staying with each other since the start. Therefore knowing his pattern and behaviors. This is not the best advice but I chose to go with the flow hehe. They say moving in with someone will really show their true colors, and it really is true, so maybe try to stay with your partner before getting married.

    Was it shot-gun?

    Yes it was, but we had planned to get married and have a child soon but didnt know it was so soon HAHA😂😂😂 Basically, me finding out i was pregnant, fasten the process of us tying the knot.

    Abort or nah?

    My husband and I were only together about 8-9 months before I found out I was pregnant, hence I was not close to his family and did not know how they would react to the news. My husband and I had some conflicts about my decision but I stood my ground on keeping this baby regardless of what anyone said. (yes it's selfish but i choose not to abort the baby) Thankfully everyone is very supportive and took care of me during my pregnancy

    Fights & Conflicts 💢

    Getting married at 20 and my husband at 23 is not easy, we are still children in our parents’ eyes, telling them we choose to get married and make it official was not easy as well. Many planning was needed as we only had 2-3 months to plan our ENTIRE wedding 😱😱😱 I like to finish my things ASAP whereas my husband likes to take his own sweet time, which pisses me off as we had so little time, hence leading up to many fights. This is the time where I will rethink my decisions if I still want to marry him… 😂😂😂

    All in all, the amount of time you spend with a person doesn't define how well you know them, people can change for the better if they have to, I believe my husband changed for the better to adapt to me and my lifestyle which I am grateful for. At the end of the day, no matter what decisions yall choose, just be happy with your decision and don't regret anything. There will not be any do overs, Live your life to the fullest even when there are days that are not the brightest. ✨✨

    #RelationshipAdvice #marriedlife #beingamumat21

    #love #relationship #Singapore