• my experience at the luggage market

    my experience at the luggage market
    my experience at the luggage market
    my experience at the luggage market
    my experience at the luggage market
    my experience at the luggage market
    my experience at the luggage market

    This is the long awaited spring cleaning I’ve been trying to do!!! Literally since before CNY I’ve been wanting to get rid of SO many clothes that I’ve fell out of love with and they are just sitting in my wardrobe, taking up all the space 😩

    I’m sure you guys have heard of The Luggage Market and it’s literally Singapore’s biggest and most popular flea market at the moment!! It’s SO hard to get slots and they are literally always sold out WITHIN A MINUTE. I tried camping for it once and I failed terribly, I was honestly just so glad that I managed to get it on my second try!! 🥲

    I shared a booth with my friend and I highly recommend that so that you can split the rental cost!! Also, it will encourage people to buy from you guys cos they get to mix and match different styles and sizes!

    Since it’s not my first flea experience (shoutout to the OG FleaWhere @ Lucky Plaza), I’m gonna share some tips with you guys:

    ➡️ Wear a mask!! With everyone selling their mother’s, father’s, brother’s, grandmother’s clothes there, the place is filled with so much dust!!

    ➡️ Bring lots of change – Lots of $10, $5, $2 and coins! I brought $40 thinking it would be enough but I had customers with $50 notes omg

    ➡️ Bring paper and pen/little whiteboards so you can write your prices to attract people!

    ➡️ A mini fan – it can get really warm there

    ➡️ Bring lots of recycled plastic/paper bags

    ➡️ Dress comfortably!

    ➡️ Keep your expectations low, price your items BELOW $5

    ➡️ Quantity over quality

    ➡️ Do not discriminate all styles and sizes!! My Boyfriend managed to sell all 8 shirts and a pair of sneakers that he brought!

    The crowd is INSANE there and the moment you arrive, a group of people will follow behind you till you settle down at your booth. They will also very automatically help you to open up your luggage and start digging thru your stuff 😅

    I managed to sell at least 80% of my items and towards the last 2 hours, we dropped our prices to as low as $1-2/piece. We had aimed to leave by 5.30pm so we were giving out our clothes for FREE at 5.15pm hahaha and yes we managed to clear everything except for 4 pieces!! Fret not, if you are unable to clear everything you wanted to sell, there is a collection point for you to leave your clothes there! They will collect it and deliver your unsold items to Willing Hearts at no cost!

    Book a booth here!

    Keep a look out on when they release new slots via their Instagram page!

    💰 Price: $68

    ⏱️ Time: 11am – 6pm

    📍 Venue: Aperia Mall