🌟Hi guys today I’ll be un-gatekeeping my BEST side hustle I’ve ever had that helped me to earn on average $1k a month ( I’ve gone as high as $2k+ as well ) with minimal effort, no base capital , while I was a student !! 👩‍🎓 I’ve also seen others who did this FULL TIME and expanded their business and are earning even more than doctors 🤯🤯🤯

    🌟And the answer is : DROPSHIPPING.

    🌟What is dropshipping?

    From google: Drop-shipping is when a person, or company, sells goods on their website that they do not keep in stock. When an order is received, they send those orders to another company to ship the goods directly to the buyer. Because they are middlemen, they may charge more money.

    🌟How to start?

    1. There are multiple platforms that u can list ur products on ! (Refer to slide 2)

    2. Find a niche product to sell (or u can list a bunch of stuff, it works too! And from there identify what items are popular and bring in more of those similar items)

    – I find that bigger ticket items bring in more revenue and have a bigger range of prices so that u can mark up ur prices higher as well

    – I’ve also tried smaller items like : starting my own clothes biz and accessories biz, and it was way too little revenue for a higher amount of effort (taking pictures, packing each item etc etc) so unless u can create a brand for yourself instead of selling generic items, I would give this a pass !! (Unless it’s ur hobby as well then it’s fine HAHA)

    3. Find your target audience

    – decide if u want to target eg the younger crowd, middle aged group, older people etc and source ur niche items according to what they may like!

    – would be great if u managed to identify a specific group of target audience that has not been targeted by the general online shopping platforms, and from there u can bring the items to their attention. They will be more likely to buy!

    4. Can start first with preorder, but most prefer instock items

    – for me personally, all my items were preorder for the bigger ticket items as I was still a student then and did not have any capital to get stocks! So preorder is really good for those who are just starting out!

    – if you have abit more capital, definitely consider bringing stock in because 1. Increases credibility 2. Get the items faster. Some people might choose the more expensive option (your item) just because it is already instock

    – do note that if u bring in stocks, there’s also a higher risk that u will need to take up. Such as a whole bunch of stock left in your house / warehouse that nobody is buying

    5. To get more competitive rates, liaise with ur suppliers to get a better rate. Some suppliers give a lower rate when they sell in bulk. And if you have been buying from them for a long time, you can also ask them for discounts I’m sure they would be willing to give them to u since you’re bringing a lot of business in for them as well!

    6. Marketing strategies

    – consider the different marketing strategies that u can use to gain more traffic to ur listings!

    – some of the typical examples are: Instagram ads, boosting on Carousell, holding giveaways, sponsoring influencers etc

    🌟All in all, I was super glad that I had decided to try out dropshipping while I was 19-20! I didn’t even get a part time job during the long break before uni because I was already earning $1k/mth on average (around the same as what I would earn from part time jobs that are definitely way more tiring). I could literally just be sitting at home and earning money! 🤑 Honestly quite sad that i stopped my biz completely after uni got more tiring or else it could have been developed into something bigger !! I was stupid n lazy 😭😭😭 But ya legit anyone can do dropshipping legit one of the best and easiest side hustles ever ✅✅✅

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