• How I Track My Expenses

    How I Track My Expenses
    How I Track My Expenses
    How I Track My Expenses

    Hi friends! I use a Notion template that I built to track my expenses, but you could also use apps like Spendee too.

    💵 Expenses Tracker — This is where I key in my expenses daily (or sometimes weekly, if I get too busy). Some people might find this tedious but I personally prefer manually entering the data because I feel like it helps me one, remember what I’ve spent on, and two, really feel the pain. I’ve realise that when I use apps that automatically pull data, I end up not looking at it till the month is over, and that it’s too late for me to cut down on my expenditure. I’m more mindful of my spending when I’m keying in the numbers after every swipe of my card.

    💰 2023 — This is a just a breakdown of my expenses the entire year by month.

    🪣 Buckets — This is how I budget my expenses for the month. I break down my most common spending categories into buckets and give myself limits every single month. This one small budget trick is my key to keeping below my monthly cap every month.

    💸 Spent — This is a breakdown of my monthly expenses by my buckets, so that I’m able to clearly see what I’ve been overspending on and which limits I’m under utilising.