• Let’s talk about HOW to invest as a student!

    Let’s talk about HOW to invest as a student!
    Let’s talk about HOW to invest as a student!
    Let’s talk about HOW to invest as a student!
    Let’s talk about HOW to invest as a student!

    “For 2023 as a whole, MAS Core Inflation is expected to average 3.5–4.5%.”- MAS Monetary Policy Statement- Apr 2023

    I cannot emphasis this enough but investing your money is as IMPORTANT as saving your money. We the inflation rate that we are facing right now, with every $1000 we have in our bank, we are actually losing $45 ( that’s 9 plates of caifan with fish to put it in context) for nothing… & this is why we have to make our money grow and thus invest!

    1) If you are not confident in being all “hands-on” with investing in funds/stocks/crypto etc, the easiest way out is to find a trustworthy & reliable finance advisor. Products are all the same within the market but you need to get a FA that truly care for your needs and long term goals!!

    2)Investing in lifestyle

    I might get backlash for saying this but being a student is the best time to invest in your lifestyle before you have responsibilities like an adult such as starting a family or even having kids. While we are still young, we need to experience life in different forms in order to gain different perspectives too. This will also broaden your knowledge in many areas which will definitely help you when you’re networking with other people

    3)Investing in yourself

    This can be broad, it goes from small things such as working harder on your school work to even start a small business. Like what I said in point 2, while we are still young, it is better if we tried and failed so we can learn from our own mistakes.

    #investment #financesg