• Ways to earn money as a broke college student?

    Ways to earn money as a broke college student?
    Ways to earn money as a broke college student?
    Ways to earn money as a broke college student?
    Ways to earn money as a broke college student?

    hi all!! I’m pleasantly surprised that so many of you guys on Lemon8 actually rlly love study tips!! Today’s topic is on how YOU can earn extra $$ as a broke college student.

    #1 : Research Study (Paid Studies Survey)

    check ur email!!! There will usually be opportunities where you can participate in research surveys and you’ll be rewarded with MONEY!!! Simply search “paid study” and follow the instructions below! Usually, the survey will either be conducted online via a survey link or zoom or it will be conducted in campus ! Online survey will usually take u about 10 mins, whereas in person survey will take you about 1-2 hours !!! U can earn up to $50 max (depending on the survey)!!! Oh yes forgot to mention, most of the time is usually grab vouchers (but better than nth right 😜)

    Another alternative is to join this tele channel : https://t.me/paidstudiesNTU

    #2 : Work Study Scheme

    Do check out the work study scheme especially if you’re a NTU student !! You can always find urself either an ad-hoc or permeant part time job to do while you’re schooling !! the timing is usually very flexible as the staffs knows that we are uni students. Best part is that you can earn up to $18/ hour 😆🤩!!! Do send in ur CV and resume !!

    #3 : Internships !!!

    Of course, internship!! You can always apply your own internships instead of the school’s (credit bearing internships). There are companies hiring part time internships as well! Timing is said to be very flexible, max 3 days per week (but rlly depends on the company). Highly recommend internships bc you can build on ur portfolio!! You’ll be able to develop soft skills such as collaboration skills, communication skills, critical thinking and many more in-demand skills in the industry! Internship is really a great way to start as it can help you to understand or even discover your career path! ✨😛🫡


    this is another good option! You can be a part time tutor too!! Pay is about $25/ hour!! Or, you can even be a free lance UI/UX designer, photographer, video editor, and the list goes on. Put wtv that u have learnt before into good use!!!

    And lastly,

    GET THAT BREAD 🍞 🫶🏻💞👍